Dear Friends and Neighbors,
My office had a busy month in our evaluation of the library work environment, Joint Office of Homeless Services and budget process audits. When there are inequities, we strive to hold account for the harm that impacts the community. It is my office's responsibility to hold the local government accountable and share this information with the public. You can read about ongoing audits that my office is working on here.
Ahead of the 2022 local and national elections, it’s our responsibility as community members to shape the future of Multnomah County and the nation. As a long time resident, there is an invitation to participate in the powerful act of voting. BIPOC voting and women voting is one of many ways to hold elected officials accountable. Each vote is powerful, and it matters. Each vote counts and builds the future for everyone.
Honor the past, and support the future by registering to vote! Registering to vote is quick and easy. You can register to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, are 18 or older, and live in Oregon. (Though
Helpful Voter Registration Links
- Register to vote/update your registration
- Check to see if you’re registered
- Track your ballot
- Information for Multnomah County voters
November 2022 Election Important Dates
- 10/18 Voter registration deadline
- 10/19 Ballots begin to be mailed
- 11/1 Last day to safely mail your ballot
- 11/8 Ballots due at drop-off sites by 8pm
Thank you,

Community Engagement Update
My office had a great time this month connecting with the community at a wide range of events. From attending Urban League of Portland’s 2022 Equal Opportunity Day celebration and the unveiling of IRCO’s new Africa House. In various spaces, the Auditor’s Office learned from community voices about the social and economic fabric of our county. As my staff and I listen, we learn the diverse strength and connection of Multnomah County.
If you would like a member of the County Auditor’s Office to provide information about our work at your next in-person or virtual community event, please let us know. Simply fill out this form, and we will be in touch.