Budget Note | Deflection

FY 2025 Adopted Budget Note on Deflection as adopted on June 6, 2024.


HB 4002 and its requirements, particularly around deflection, will have tremendous implications for people with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), particularly those at the intersection of homelessness and the criminal justice system. They will also have tremendous implications for all those working along the SUD service continuum and in law enforcement and homeless services.

It is essential that reasonable expenditures be anticipated, with assurance of sufficient contingency available, and held in contingency.

This budget note requests the Chair’s Office to direct the leader of deflection to provide the Board with a specific, clear, and concise definition of deflection and a briefing in the next month with identification of specific steps to be taken to ensure the County is able to:

  1. meet basic requirements of HB 4002 by September 1, and
  2. that there is sufficient contingency to meet anticipated costs.
Last reviewed July 9, 2024