Budget Note | Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Accountability

FY 2025 Adopted Budget Note on Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Accountability as adopted on June 6, 2024.

Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Accountability

The Supportive Housing Services (SHS) measure allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to the County each year, with amounts to be budgeted identified through Metro forecast at the beginning of each fiscal year, and then adjusted at different intervals during the year. Final actual expenditures often are not able to be determined for months after the close of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, it appears that tens of millions of dollars that could be used or could get out the door faster are not being effectively deployed, and the outcomes of unsheltered homelessness are worsening. The confusion relating to the seeming huge discrepancies in funding vs. spending vs. action vs. impact can be minimized through clear communication and prospective implementation planning with a clear aligned spending strategy defined in advance.

The acting HRS Director will provide the Board with a specific, clear, and concise operational plan that identifies the intended steps to be taken during the year with an attached spending plan to achieve an end-of-year goal. This will also reflect movement toward clearly identified end-of-measure goals, and how the investments support Populations A or B as required in the Measure.

Last reviewed July 9, 2024