The Central Human Resources Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2017–2019 will guide the direction of human resources for years to come. It incorporates feedback from our stakeholders to ensure our priorities and limited resources have the greatest impact on Multnomah County as a whole.
The current plan includes a new mission statement to refocus our work: “Supporting the people who serve our community.”
To guide our strategic focus through fiscal year 2019, this plan includes four goal areas that align with and complement our stakeholders’ priorities and needs.
Technology and Business Processes: Increase the quality and impact of HR programs and services through continuous improvement and by maximizing the use of technology.
Equitable and Empowering Practices: End inequities and injustices in the work of human resources through an examination of how our policies, procedures and practices can perpetuate forms of institutional oppression.
Recruitment: Improve recruitment and selection in order to build and maintain a diverse and talented workforce.
Workforce Development: Foster a skilled, engaged and healthy workforce prepared and supported to meet the evolving needs of our organization and our communities, both internal and external.
Equity is an overarching goal that informs every aspect of this plan. We’re committed to deepening our use of the Equity and Empowerment Lens to make Multnomah County a more inclusive, welcoming employer; removing barriers to equity that may exist in our policies and practices; and partnering with the Office of Diversity and Equity to support learning and culture-change efforts.
The new strategic plan includes strategies and objectives focused on bringing us closer to our goals. Highlights include:
Implementing a new ERP that will increase HR’s operational capacity, add strategic value, and improve access to data for decision-makers, managers and staff.
Adopting a culture of continuous improvement, including training and resources to support operational efficiencies.
Innovating performance management to increase efficiency and clarify the connection between individual actions and organizational goals.
Ensuring the equitable application of policies and practices; identifying and implementing ways to consistently and systematically apply the Equity and Empowerment Lens throughout Central Human Resources.
Assessing the county’s compensation philosophy to aid recruitment and retention efforts.
Current Plan
Previous Plan Years