Code Compliance Complaint Form

Report a possible land use or right-of-way code violation, in the unincorporated areas of Multnomah County.

Use this form to report land use, road rules, or solid waste & recycling code violations in unincorporated Multnomah County only. If your issue is in a city or about something different, please see our front page for who to contact.

You may also download a printable version of this form:

Complainant Information
Please be sure to review our confidentiality policy. By law, it is your responsibility to understand these rules.
Alleged Violation Information
Is the alleged violation visible from your property?
Answering “yes” does not waive any right to exclude people from your property.
Is the alleged violation visible from a public road?
Are there any known or suspected hazards at the location (e.g., dangerous occupants or animals, criminal activity, etc.)?
Last reviewed July 24, 2024