COVID-19 Information For Adult Care Home Providers

Updated requirements for adult care homes, including vaccines, masks, isolation protocol, reporting COVID-19 cases and more.

COVID-19 Updated Requirements, October 31, 2024

Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties worked together to create this

Review the toolkit and follow these updated requirements to continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


If a staff member, household member or resident in your home is exposed to or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, please seek COVID testing. Positive test results should be reported to the ACHP within one business day using the new ACHP COVID-19 Reporting Form.

If there are two or more positive cases in the home, operators are required to contact the Multnomah County Health Department Communicable Disease Triage Line at 503-988-3406.

If a resident tests positive for COVID-19 and dies, an

Incident Report (338.02 KB)
must be completed.

COVID-19 Home Test Kits

In fall 2024, all households may request four free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests at These tests will be delivered directly to your home.

COVID-19 home tests must be self-administered by the resident. If a resident cannot administer the test, a family member of the resident or a medical professional can administer it. Non-medical adult care home staff should not administer tests to residents. If a COVID-19 test is needed and the resident or their family member is unable to administer the test, a test should be scheduled through the resident’s medical provider.

Multnomah County is distributing free face coverings, gloves, gowns and face shields at no charge through Community Organization Resources Request.


Masks are no longer required for residents, visitors, staff that live in the home, or staff that live elsewhere.

  • Operators may choose to require staff to continue to wear masks.
  • You may request that visitors wear masks, but you cannot deny entry to unmasked visitors.
  • Some people may prefer to continue to wear masks. You may not require staff or visitors to remove their masks if they choose to wear one.
  • Masks are required when a person requests a provider wear one.

Sometimes masking remains necessary for the health and safety of all. Masking will be required for staff, residents and visitors who:

  • Have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 or other respiratory infections (e.g., runny nose, coughing, sneezing).
  • Had close contact or a higher-risk exposure with someone who has COVID-19. They should wear a mask for 10 days after their exposure.
  • Live or work in a care home with a COVID-19 outbreak.

Adult care homes should also follow masking protocols recommended by local public health authorities.

If a resident is unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition, you should take steps to reduce the risk of illness, including physical distancing from other residents, and ensuring others in the care home are wearing masks.

Screening Visitors

Active screening of all visitors is no longer a requirement.

A visitor log with the date, visitor’s name and contact information will be helpful if there is a COVID case in your home. This log can be used for contact tracing.

  • Care home visitors are encouraged to delay their visit if they are not feeling well or have any flu or COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Adult care home staff should not ask visitors about their vaccination status.


Vaccines are readily accessible and are still the best protection against COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccinations are encouraged, but no longer required, for adult care home staff, according to recently-updated Oregon Health Authority rules.

Isolation and Transmission Based Protocols

If a resident or caregiver is feeling unwell, they should stay away from others until they are beginning to feel better and have been fever free, without the help of medication, for 24-hours. Extra precautions for the following five days will help to reduce the risk of further spread. Masking and social distancing can go a long way in helping to keep those around you protected.

Best practice is for a designated staff member to provide care to the infected individual and to have other staff attend to the needs of the non-infected individuals in the home. Gloves, gowns, and masks should be disposed of after interacting with the infected individual.

If you have any questions about the above isolation protocols, call the Multnomah County Health Department Communicable Disease Triage Line: 503-988-3406.

Involuntary Move Notices

An Involuntary Move Notice may not be issued solely because a resident has symptoms or a positive diagnosis for COVID-19. A list of acceptable reasons can be found in MCAR 023-090-615. Any appropriate notice must be submitted to ACHP and will be evaluated and prioritized per available resources.

Mandatory Infection Prevention Training

All operators and resident managers are required to complete a 2 hour Pre-Service Infection Prevention Training through Oregon Care Partners. The training is highly recommended for caregivers too. This training is worth 2 CEUs. Email the completed certificate to or fax it to 503-988-5722.


Contact the Adult Care Home Program at or 503-988-3000 if you have questions about policy changes or resources.

Multnomah County also provides up-to-date COVID-19 information and general resources.

Last reviewed October 31, 2024