Main location:
Juvenile Justice Complex and Donald E. Long Detention Center
1401 NE 68th Ave., Portland, OR, 97213
Accountability Programs
503.988.3475 | 503.988.3140-Fax
Child Abuse Unit
503.988.5427 | 503.988.3484-Fax
Courtyard Cafe & Nutrition Services
Custody Services
503.988.4824 | 503.988.3140-Fax
Detention and System Reform
503.988.7954 | 503.988.4786-Fax
Female Gender Team
503.988.3966 | 503.988.6009-Fax
High Risk Unit — (RISE)
503.988.5754 | 503.988.6009-Fax
Intake/Assessment Intervention
503.988.5677 | 503.988.3970-Fax
Pre-adjudication, Treatment, and Community Interface Services
503.988.4067 | 503.988.6009-Fax
Probation and Accountability (Formerly Counseling Services)
503.988.5649 | 503.988.6009-Fax
Reclaiming Futures- Multnomah County (Formerly known Multnomah Embrace)
503.988.4857 | 503.988.4267-Fax
Sex Offense Unit
503.988.3966 | 503.988.6009-Fax
Other locations:
Family Court Services
503.988.3189 | 503.988.3232-Fax
Multnomah County Courthouse
1200 SW 1st Ave, Suite 3400, Portland, OR 97204
Victim and Survivor Services