Check out the latest news, current events, and calls-to-action that lift up and support the critical work that Multnomah County Office of Sustainability is doing to create a just, equitable, livable, resilient,and low carbon community.
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Read our newsletters:
- January 2025: Looking back to 2024, looking ahead to 2025
- November 2024: Let's create a community that works for all of us.
- October 2024: Explore how one person can make a difference, and turn "Me" into "We."
- July 2024: Get cool, stay cool, and lower your utility bills
- June 2024: A streamlined way to serve Multnomah County residents
- May 2024: Acknowledging climate anxiety this Mental Health Awareness Month
- April 2024: Earth Month virtual learning - Earth, water, air, and fire
- March 2024: A personal tribute to Women's History Month
- February 2024: Proclaiming Black History & Futures Month
- January 2024: This Year We Will Go Further
- Summer 2022: Investing in Our Future
- Winter 2022: Black History Month
- Fall 2021, second edition: Honoring Native American History Month
- Fall 2021, first edition: Honoring Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month
- Spring 2021: A Movement Renewed
- Winter 2021: Black History Month
- Fall 2020: Smoke is Clear, Crisis Lingers
- Summer 2020: A Moment of Renewal
- Winter 2020: Social Justice Is An Environmental Issue
- Fall 2019
- Spring 2019
- Winter 2019