On April 10, 2017, Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury and City of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler vowed to transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. The goal is to meet the community's electricity needs from renewable sources by 2035 and shift all remaining energy sources to renewables by 2050. At the time Chair Kafoury called the commitment “a pledge to our children's future,” and said that honoring that commitment “means a future with cleaner air, a stable climate and more jobs and economic opportunity.’’

On June 1, 2017, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners followed up the Chair’s announcement by adopting a resolution committing the County to a just transition to renewable energy. The Resolution has three key commitments:
- To establish a goal to meet 100 percent of community-wide electricity needs in Multnomah County with renewable energy by 2035.
- To establish a goal to meet 100 percent of community-wide energy needs in Multnomah County with renewable energy by 2050.
- To prioritize community-based development of renewable energy infrastructure, and set a target of supplying 2% of community-wide energy needs via such infrastructure by 2035.
The resolution was developed in partnership with the City of Portland and stakeholders representing community organizations, environmental groups, utility companies, and environmental justice nonprofits. This bold vision was an acknowledgment that the rapid decarbonization of the economy is required to sustain a livable climate. “In the face of a historic dereliction of duty at the federal level to address the climate crisis, our community stood up to say enough. We will take bold steps that correspond with the magnitude of the challenge we face,” said Chair Kafoury.

In addition to the main goals set out above, the resolution also highlighted other important actions:
- 100% renewable electricity for MultCo operations by 2018.
- Support energy efficiency and low-income weatherization.
- Support increased affordable transit and electrify transit fleets.
- Support utility rate relief for low-income customers and green jobs
- Advocate for clean energy in regulatory processes and through partnership with utilities.
- To partner with Oregon tribes and native communities, communities of color, and low-income communities to address environmental, economic, and social inequities.
- To oppose the rollback of climate policy at the federal level.
- Include these goals in the update to the Climate Action Plan.
- Report to the Board every two years
This page is meant to serve as a clearinghouse for content related to the progress that the County is making on implementing these goals. In the menu on the right side of the page, find summaries and video recaps of the community forums held at Multnomah County in effort to discuss ideas, challenges, and to provide insight on creating the path to achieving a 100% renewable economy. Look for news, videos, and events related to the efforts that are relevant to these goals.