Planning Commission

The Planning Commission acts as the land use advisory body to the Board of County Commissioners for unincorporated Multnomah County.


The Multnomah County Planning Commission acts as the land use advisory body to the Board of County Commissioners for unincorporated Multnomah County. It recommends to the board the adoption, revision or repeal of the comprehensive plan and the implementing measures needed to carry out the plan. The Planning Commission consists of nine volunteers appointed by the board to serve a four-year term.

The links on this page provide access to the agendas for scheduled meetings, minutes from the previous meeting, and staff reports presented for consideration.

The next meeting of the Multnomah County Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd at 6:30pm and will be a VIRTUAL meeting.


Meeting Date: Monday, March 3rd at 6:30pm


Register for this Meeting: CLICK LINK TO REGISTER

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Join by Video Conference: Click on the link in the unique email you receive to connect by video just below the title - it will look like this: 
Join from PC, MAC, iPad, or Android (EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE:

Join by Phone: If you choose to join the meeting by phone, you must input the one of the US phone numbers in your unique email invitation listed below the title - it will look like this: 
Join via audio (EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE: US: +13462487799,,98226568630# or +16694449171,,98226568630#)
NOTE: There is a webinar ID listed in your email, you must input this when you dial in and the prompt asks for the MEETING ID. 
(EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE: Webinar ID: 982 2656 8630)

If you require assistance with the registration process, please provide your name, phone number, and address either by phone to 503-988-3043 or by email to



If you require any accommodation to participate in this meeting, please call the Planning Office at 503-988-3043 or the County’s general information TDD number at 503-988-5040 at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.

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Last reviewed February 26, 2025