Plat Naming Policy

The naming of subdivisions or condominium plats in Oregon must conform to ORS 92.090(1).

The naming of subdivisions or condominium plats in Oregon must conform to ORS 92.090(1) which states:

“Subdivision plat names shall be subject to the approval of the county surveyor or, in the case where there is no county surveyor, the county assessor. No tentative subdivision plan or subdivision plat of a subdivision shall be approved which bears a name similar to or pronounced the same as the name of any other subdivision in the same county, unless the land platted is contiguous to and platted by the same party that platted the subdivision bearing that name or unless the party files and records the consent of the party that platted the contiguous subdivision bearing that name.”

To clarify this statute, the following policies are adopted:

  • If a proposed subdivision is adjacent to an existing subdivision and proposes to use the same name, the subdividers must either be the same, or must acquire a notarized affidavit from the subdivider of the adjacent plat and record that affidavit with the County Recorder. A recorded copy must be provided to the County Surveyor prior to name approval being granted.
  • Names may be used a maximum of twenty (20) times. A portion of the plat name must be significantly different. Examples of allowable names: “Pearl Park Estates”, “Pearl Mountain Estates”, “Pearl Mountain Park”. Once there are twenty plat names that begin with “Pearl”, no further use will be allowed.
  • No subdivision or condominium shall begin with “A”, “The” or other similar words, or use the words “Subdivision”, “Addition” or “Plat” in the name of the subdivision.
  • Phases in plats shall be named as follows:

First Phase: “Oak Hills”
Second Phase: “Oak Hills No. 2”
Third Phase: “Oak Hills No. 3”

  • Roman numerals shall not be used
  • Plat name shall not begin with initials.
  • Plat names shall not begin with a number unless the number is spelled out (i.e. Twenty First Condominium).

Subdivision and condominium names may be reserved with the County Surveyor for a period of two (2) years with the completion of a Plat Name Reservation form and approval from the County Surveyor.

Revised April 18, 2019

Last reviewed December 13, 2019