Public Safety Careers

Our focus on public safety strengthens and sustains Multnomah County. Take pride in knowing your work impacts hundreds of thousands of lives today and in the future. Join with other public safety professionals to create a safe, vibrant and livable community.
"We are in the business of assisting people as they change their lives. It is important to be a part of someone's positive change and see the impact it can have."
Jamie T., Probation/Parole Officer
Some of our positions:
Facility Security Officer
Facility Security Officers provide security services and law enforcement assistance for county employees and members of the public in a number of county facilities.
Corrections Technician
Corrections Technicians protect public safety and hold adult offenders accountable in a fair and just manner. Duties vary depending on the assignment, but often include researching and evaluating information that pertains to the screening, release, intake and monitoring of criminal justice system clients.
Juvenile Counselor
Juvenile Counselors provide intake to the juvenile justice system, process cases through the juvenile court, and provide probation and accountability programs to youth.
Juvenile Custody Services Specialist
Juvenile Custody Services Specialists provide guidance, security, training and oversight of children and adolescents in a detention setting.
Probation/Parole Officer
Probation/Parole Officers provide supervision, surveillance, and counseling to adult offenders who are on probation or parole.
Corrections Deputy
Corrections Deputies supervise the movement and activities of a diverse population of adult male and female inmates in a detention environment. Successful candidates are of exceptional character, possess good judgment, work well with others, and have the skills to humanely and professionally oversee up to 75 people at a time, including those who may be distraught, mentally challenged, uncooperative or manipulative.
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriffs provide a range of law enforcement services for Multnomah County and actively engage in a relationship with the community. Our highly qualified employees are trained and certified to manage at-risk populations, employ appropriate force options and enhance community partnerships and public safety.