Resources for Vendors

Find resources and tools to help your business get certified as a State of Oregon MWESB, find networking opportunities, and build a greener, better business.

Find resources and tools to help your business get certified as a State of Oregon MWESB, find networking opportunities, and build a greener, better business.

Get certified with the State of Oregon:

The State of Oregon Certification Office For Business Inclusion & Diversity (COBID) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and Emerging Small Business (ESB) certification programs. These programs are designed to promote economic opportunities for small businesses.

As the sole certification authority in Oregon, COBID provides a “one-stop” certification process for Oregon disadvantaged, minority- and woman-owned and emerging small businesses.

Q: Why should you get your business certified as a DMWESB?

A: Because Multnomah County, and the private contractors doing business with the County look to the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business certified firms directory for targeted contracting opportunities and tailored outreach based on particular contracting needs. In addition, the State of Oregon and many other local public agencies rely on the certified firm directory to market contracting opportunities historically underutilized businesses. By ensuring your business is included in the certified firm directory you may find out about contracting opportunities you would not otherwise have known about.

Q: Does a small business have to be new to qualify as an “Emerging” small business?

A: No. If your business has not previously been certified as an Emerging Small Business (and you meet all other qualifying criteria) the age of your business is not considered as part of the certification process.

Q: If I qualify for more than one certification can I obtain multiple certifications?

A: Yes. The County encourages businesses to apply for as many certifications as they qualify for. There may be some public agencies with preference programs for certain certification types or with training programs available to certain certification types.

Access the State's database of DMWESB certified businesses:

The State of Oregon ON-LINE DIRECTORIES of Certified MWESB & DBE firms provides businesses and government agencies a comprehensive database of all DMWESB certified firms in the State of Oregon. This database can be used to identify potential contractors, subcontractors, consultants or partners for any Multnomah County owned project or contracting opportunity.

Last reviewed December 6, 2016