Social Equity

The County is committed to extending contracting opportunities to businesses that demonstrate social equity in the areas of workforce diversity, utilization of State of Oregon certified MWESBs.

Social Equity is the pursuit to create full and equal access to opportunities for all people that enable them to attain their full potential.

Social Equity factors ensure that everyone in the supply chain is

  • treated fairly;
  • disparities are not created, but alleviated;
  • and provide the resources for success.

Social Equity Impact Areas include:

  • Small and medium sized vendor firms provide the needed resources to participate in our solicitations. Locally owned Woman owned Minority owned Aboriginal/Indigenous owned, Veteran owned LGBT owned, and Service-disabled veteran owned Note: Naming conventions and definitions vary between regions and organizations.
  • Culturally Responsive and Specific Services that provide resources for our community to overcome barriers and succeed.
  • Fair Trade,
  • Community engagement,
  • Diversity/equal opportunity,
  • Accessibility to equal remuneration,
  • Grievance & remedy processes,
  • Occupational health & safety,
  • Remedies to access education and training,
  • Living wage,
  • Human and Indigenous rights,
  • Right to collective bargaining,
  • Anti-corruption and bribery,
  • Fair working hours and compensation,
  • Right of freedom of association, and
  • No child/ forced /bonded labor.

Impact Areas Explained:​
The County supports social equity by continuous improvement on developing workforce diversity and ESB’s, DBE’s, MWESB’s. We are continue to grow our programs to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute, participate, make decisions, and shape our regional economy through income development. This is important because diverse business development means everyone in our community is empowered to make decisions and create new avenues for collaborative connections. This will also assist in the community creating their economic impacts.

If you are completing a solicitation you may encounter questions like the examples below.

  • Describe in detail how your (agency/business/ organization) develops an internal diverse workforce.
  • How do you approach internal on-the-job training, mentoring, technical training and/or professional development opportunities addressing diversity?
  • Describe the process(es) used to recruit women and minorities. What types of projects or initiatives have been implemented?
  • Describe in detail your cultural competency and diversity training, and the expectations of recruited staff that will be working with diverse populations to ensure program values and goals are met.
  • What social equity innovations for cultural and ethnic minority populations can your agency integrate into the delivery of goods and/or services? How do these social equity innovations go beyond industry best practices? Please provide specific examples and demonstrate how you will deliver and track these innovations.
  • How does your agency incorporate equity values, manage diversity and systematically involve consumers, families and communities in all aspects of policy and service delivery?
  • Describe in detail your cultural competency and diversity training, and the expectations of recruited staff that will be working with diverse populations to ensure program values and goals are met. Demonstrate through stories & metrics how the organization has created new ways to successful workforce, recruitment, hiring, retention, internship, and succession planning.
  • How does your agency connect DBE's and MWESB's to the local community? We are looking for community connections that help establish and maintain the businesses that include, but are not limited to funding and commodities.


Last reviewed November 9, 2021