Volunteer at a County emergency shelter

Multnomah County often welcomes the support of volunteers at shelters we operate during emergencies like severe weather. Info about volunteer needs, trainings, roles and more.

Current severe weather shelter response status: Active and recruiting community volunteers

Multnomah County is recruiting for community members to volunteer in the General Staff role and the Logistics Support role to support our emergency severe weather shelters. Click on the shelter site below to sign up for shifts . Please give extra consideration to volunteering at a location you can travel to safely and arrive on-time.

If you have limited time for the required trainings before your first shift, please prioritize the “Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Training for Emergency Shelter Workers” training and the Naloxone training. Review these helpful tips and considerations before you volunteer.

Please note: The County’s plans can change quickly in response to fluid conditions. If the shift(s) you sign up for are impacted by these changes, you will be contacted as early as possible and we’ll work with you to find other shifts.

During dangerous weather emergencies, Multnomah County opens life-saving Disaster Resource Centers (DRCs) across our community that offer people shelter, safety, resources and connection — especially those who are at greatest risk of harm.

We often welcome the support of community members like you when the need arises. Depending on where we set up shelters, you might even be able to assist at a site in your own neighborhood!

Getting trained and gaining basic shelter skills ahead of time can help you be prepared and ready to support these important efforts. Attending a Disaster Resource Center info session and/or a General Staff training are a great way to start your volunteer journey. We also encourage you to visit the Roles and Requirements page to learn more about the required and recommended trainings for various volunteer positions. You can also request a group info session and training.

Watch: What’s it like to volunteer at a shelter?

Watch this County video about what it’s like to work in the General Staff role:

Upcoming Info Sessions and Trainings

DRC Info Sessions are virtual events for people interested in learning more about Multnomah County's Disaster Resource Centers. These are open to anyone who is interested. Simply save the Google Meet URL in your calendar and join us on the date and time of the session.

General Staff Trainings are virtual events for those interested in volunteering as General Staff in the County’s Disaster Resource Centers during severe weather sheltering events. An RSVP is required to attend this training. The Google Meet link will be emailed to you within 24 hours of the start of the training.

The Trauma-informed & De-escalation Tips Training is a new advanced training for current and prospective General Staff that provides an engaging overview of the person-centered approach, trauma-informed care and harm reduction practices that guide our DRCs, along with tips on de-escalation and ways to support our whole DRC community. An RSVP is required to attend this training. The Google Meet link will be emailed to you within 24 hours of the start of the training.

If you can’t attend any of the sessions listed below, fill out the Community Volunteer Interest Form to be notified about upcoming opportunities.

 DRC Info SessionGeneral Staff TrainingTrauma-informed & De-escalation Tips Training
February 2025

Monday, Feb. 10, 1 - 1:45 p.m.


Monday, Feb. 10, 2 - 4 p.m.

Please RSVP here.

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1 - 3 p.m.

Please RSVP here.

Watch: What motivates people to support County emergency shelters

Hear from a few County employees about why they make the choice to sign up for shifts in our emergency shelters during a severe weather activation.



Please send an email to ESF6.MassCare@multco.us.

Last reviewed February 14, 2025