Celebrate National Voter Registration Day by Making Sure You're Registered to Vote

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Contacts: Tim Scott or Eric Sample, 503-988-3720

Celebrate National Voter Registration Day by Making Sure You Are Ready to Vote in the November 6 General Election

Democracy starts with you! Celebrate National Voter Registration Day by making sure you are ready to vote in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Multnomah County Elections joins more than 3,500 partners nationwide in celebrating National Voter Registration Day by helping new voters register to vote and update their voter registration information at tabling events around the county.

October 16 is the voter registration deadline for the November 6 General Election. Oregon voters can register online at www.oregonvotes.gov/register or fill out a paper Oregon Voter Registration Card available at the elections office, public library, Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles, or post office. Each of Multnomah County’s more than 522,000 eligible voters will then receive a ballot the third week of October.

Multnomah County Elections asks voters to check that their address, party affiliation, and name are up-to-date in their voter registration record. Voters can update their information online at www.oregonvotes.gov/myvote or with an Oregon Voter Registration Card. Voters who will be away from home on election day should request an absentee ballot to be mailed to their temporary address. Voters should visit Elections Frequently Asked Questions, bit.ly/MultCoAbsentee or call the Multnomah County Elections Office for assistance in requesting an absentee ballot as soon as possible.

Voters can sign up to track their ballot and get a virtual “I Voted” sticker. Text, email, or voice alerts tell voters when the county elections office has mailed ballots. Alerts indicate whether the ballot has been accepted for counting or whether it requires further action by the voter. Inside the “Accepted Ballot” message, voters will get access to a special Oregon “I Voted” sticker ready to share on social media. Multnomah County voters can sign up by visiting multnomah.ballottrax.net.

Multnomah County Elections will open its second location, the Voting Center Express in Gresham for this election. The Voting Center Express will be open October 22 - November 6 inside the Multnomah County East Building. Voters will be able to replace a lost ballot, get help voting, ask questions, or vote in person at the Voting Center Express at 600 NE 8th Street in downtown Gresham.

Multnomah County Elections provides an interpreter, free of charge, to anyone who needs help voting in a language other than English. Additional voting and elections information in nine languages is online at multco.us/education-and-outreach. Multnomah County Elections wants all voters to be able to vote easily, privately and independently, understand the steps in voting, understand elections rules, and know who to ask for help.

Main office:

Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building

1040 SE Morrison Street, Portland OR 97214

Gresham location:

Open October 22, 2018 - November 6, 2018

Voting Center Express at the Multnomah County East Building

600 NE 8th Street, Gresham OR 97030

Phone: 503-988-3720

Email: elections@multco.us

Website: www.mcelections.org

September 25, 2018 is National Voter Registration Day
September 25, 2018 is National Voter Registration Day
Celebrate Voter Registration Day (Sept 25) by making sure you're registered to vote.
Celebrate Voter Registration Day (Sept 25) by making sure you're registered to vote.