Multnomah County Elections Voting Center Express in Gresham

Voting Center Express at the Multnomah County East Building
600 NE 8th Street, Gresham OR
503.988.VOTE (8683) | |


Ballots MUST be received at any County elections office in Oregon or Official Ballot Drop Site location by 8:00 p.m. on election day, or postmarked by election day and received within 7 days after the election to be counted.

Multnomah County Elections increases access to voting services with the Voting Center Express in Gresham. The Voting Center Express is an additional voter service location that is open on the days before each election.

At the Voting Center Express citizens can replace a lost or damaged ballot or update their voter registration information. Voters with a disability can get assistance. Voters who speak a language other than English can get assistance in their preferred language. Elections staff are available for questions or any other elections related help.

Ballots can only be accepted at the Voting Center Express during open hours. The nearest 24-hour Official Ballot Drop Site is in the parking lot at the Gresham Library at 385 NW Miller Avenue. Find other Multnomah County Official Ballot Drop Sites.

Last reviewed November 6, 2024