Maps and Data - Multnomah County Elections

Precinct and district maps and registration data. Includes interactive map with precincts and splits. Print maps include precincts and districts. Computer orders and election data also available.

Data Requests | Precinct and District Maps & Data | Redistricting Information

banner of state seal and district map

Data Requests

Statewide Data or Data that Spans Multiple Counties

Obtaining a Voter List - Any person may obtain an electronic copy of a statewide or less than statewide voter list from the Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division, or any county elections official. The Secretary of State, Elections Division does not provide hardcopy voter lists.

Orders placed with the Oregon Secretary of State's office can be done online, and paid for with a check or credit card, via the request for voter list website. Fees are the same whether ordered through the Secretary of State's office or your County Elections office. Call the Secretary of State's office at 503-986-1518 with any questions.

Multnomah County Data

Requests for a hardcopy of a less than statewide voter list, labels, or other non-electronic formats must be made with the county elections official of each county in which voters to be listed reside. Data can be ordered from Multnomah County Elections by completing the Data Order Form (Google Form) below.

To complete the data order form you will need:

  • A valid email address
  • An electoral district
  • A method of payment (cash, check, credit/debit card accepted)

Important Information:

  • Multnomah County can only provide data related to Multnomah County voters. If an electoral district is in more than one county, data will have to be ordered from each county separately or all data can be ordered through the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
  • There is a set up fee for each data order, with an additional per record fee to be paid when the data is ready for delivery or pick-up.
    • Fees:
      • $25 set up fee, plus
      • $0.025 cents per 100 records included in the data set (There is a $5.00 minimum and $500.00 maximum on order fees)
  • Paper data order forms and instructions are available upon request.
  • Some historical elections data can be found on our Results and History page at no cost.
  • Call 503-988-VOTE (8683) if you have any questions.

Multnomah County Elections Data Order Form - Use this form to order voter or ballot return data from Multnomah County Elections.

Examples of data requested from the Multnomah County Elections Division include:

  • Ballot Returns
    Provides information about how many ballots were received each day for an election, categorized by how and where the ballots were returned.
  • Voter history
    Includes names, addresses, and party registrations of currently registered voters and whether or not they cast a ballot in the requested elections; listed in computer generated order.
  • Voter Information
    Includes names, addresses, and party registrations of currently registered voters; listed in computer generated order.
  • Walking list
    Includes names, addresses, and party registrations of currently registered voters listed in precinct walking order.
  • Precinct committee list
    List of names of precinct committee persons by precinct and party.

Precinct Maps & Data

Interactive online precinct map - updated March 2024

GIS Shape Files - updated April 2024

Precincts and Districts

Oregon Redistricting - new Congressional and Legislative districts.

District Maps



Special District

District and Precinct Data

Voter registration reports from Oregon Central Voter Registration (OCVR) system. For monthly registration statistics, please contact the Oregon Secretary of State. The Secretary of State's office is tasked with collecting monthly statistics for State and Federal requirements.

District Voter Count

Redistricting Information

GIS Shape Files - March 2022 after redistricting

Oregon Redistricting - new Congressional and Legislative districts.

Maps for County Commission and Metro boundaries

Redistricting after the 2020 Census

Redistricting began in the later half of 2021, due to a delay in the release of the 2020 Census data. Because of the delay, redistricting has been occurring under different timelines. Precincts for the May 2022 Primary will be available Feb/Mar 2022. Special District zones for the Nov 2022 and May 2023 Election will be available in calendar year 2022.

Redistricting Directive (PDF)

For districts that are changing, the old boundary is still in effect until the end of 2022 in terms of representation. The new boundary is for election purposes and new representation takes place in the new year January 1, 2023 when the term of office begins.

Historical Information on Redistricting, Precincts and Districts

There were 113 Precincts and 255 splits within precincts in Multnomah County.

Interactive online precinct map

GIS data - available to download - last updated Feb 2016

Precinct maps - last updated Feb 2016

District maps (2012-2022) If you need a specific map not listed below, please contact us.

District and Precinct Data
Voter registration reports from Oregon Central Voter Registration (OCVR) system. For monthly registration statistics, please contact the Oregon Secretary of State. The Secretary of State's office is tasked with collecting monthly statistics for State and Federal requirements. New data will be available in Feb/Mar 2022.

After the 2010 Census, 2011 and 2012 were transitional years for redistricting of political boundaries. In 2016, some precincts were consolidated due to a change in the cap of registered voters allowed per precinct.

Below is information on the last redistricting process after the 2010 Census

Links below to older precinct maps and precinct changes. Districts and precincts change every ten years after the Decennial Census. Precincts may change during the ten year cycle as district boundaries change or the number of voters in a precinct change.

Precinct Maps

Precinct Changes - list of precinct changes since 1972

Last reviewed December 3, 2024