Initiative & Referendum Process
Multnomah County
Petition process is based on Multnomah Co. Charter and Code and differs from the process in the State's manual. Please contact Multnomah County Elections if you have any questions at Multnomah County petitions are filed with Multnomah County Elections.
- Multnomah County Initiative procedures and Referendum procedures
- Petition signature requirements - Numbers based on total votes for Governor in Multnomah County: 366,043 (Nov 2022)
- Charter amendments initiative: 29,284 (8%)
- Ordinance initiative: 21,963 (6%)
- Referendum: 14,642 (4%)
- Initiative and Referendum Manual (PDF)
- DocumentHome Rule Charter 2022 (608.32 KB)
Multnomah County Code -
DocumentChapter 5: Elections (431.25 KB)
- Metro petition process
Petition process is based on Metro Charter and Code and differs from the process in the State's initiative manual. Metro petitions are filed with Multnomah County Elections and ballot title is written by the Metro Attorney. For more information on the petition process see Title IX 9.02 of the Metro Code. - Signature requirements - Numbers based on total votes for Governor in Metro District (portions of Multnomah, Clackamas & Washington county): 746,463 (Nov. 2022). Metro petitions are filed with Multnomah County Elections.
- Charter amendment by initiative: 59,717 (8%)
- Ordinance by initiative: 44,788 (6%)
- Petition by Referendum: 29,859 (4%)
Special Districts - Community college, School, Water and Fire
- Special District Petition requirements - based on state statutes for type of special district - (Community College, School, Water and Fire). Petitions for Special Districts are filed with the county where the District administrative Headquarters are located.
- For special district initiative and referendum petition numbers, please contact Multnomah County Elections
Other Jurisdictions - state and cities
- State of Oregon - for State of Oregon petitions please contact the Elections Division Oregon Secretary of State's office
- City initiative and referendum petition numbers, please contact the city elections clerk. City petitions are filed with the City Elections/Recorder for each city.
- Link to petition filings City of Portland and State of Oregon
Initiative & Referendum Petition Log
Active Petition Information
Historical Petition Information
11/4/2024 -
Document11/18/2024 -
Document12/2/2024 -
DocumentMultcoInit-13 Ballot Title Certification.pdf (201.25 KB)- 3/4/2025 -
- DocumentWithdrawal Petition - MultCoInit-13 (35.89 KB)
- 11/4/2024 -
11/18/2024 -
Document12/2/2024 -
DocumentMultcoInit-12 Ballot Title Certification.pdf (201.28 KB)- 3/4/2925 -
- DocumentWithdrawal Petition - MultCoInit-12 (42.38 KB)
11/4/24 -
Document11/8/24 -
- 3/4/2025 -
- DocumentWithdrawal Petition - MultCoInit-11 (37.72 KB)
10/1/24 -
Document10/8/24 -
10/17/24 -
- 3/4/2025
- DocumentWithdrawal Petition - MultCoInit-10 (38.86 KB)
3/3/2022 -
Document3/17/2022 -
Document3/28/2022 -
DocumentMultCoInit-09 Ballot Title Challenge (538.53 KB)5/24/2022 -
5/26/2022 -
Document- Documentstatement_of_organization.pdf (97.24 KB)
11/23/2022 -
DocumentMultCoInit-09 Petition submitted (34.33 KB)12/22/2022 -
4/12/2022 -
DocumentMetroInit-03 Prospective petition (91.27 KB)4/14/2022 -
5/23/2022 -
DocumentMultnomah County Circuit Court Decision (2.79 MB)
3/25/2022 -
Document4/8/2022 -
- DocumentWithdrawal Petition - MetroInit-02 (26.83 KB)
7/22/2020 -
Document7/6/2020 -
DocumentMultCoInit-08 petition submitted (52.91 KB)6/22/2020 -
Document- DocumentSEL369_v2.pdf (280.28 KB)
6/3/2020 -
Document- DocumentSEL369_bw.pdf (2.58 MB)
- DocumentSEL348_bw.pdf (3.05 MB)
- DocumentSEL371_bw.pdf (1.48 MB)
6/1/2020 -
- Notice of Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement
3/13/2020 -
Document3/4/2020 -
2/26/2020 -
Document3/17/2020 -
DocumentAmended SEL 370 Prospective Petition (37.99 KB)
2/18/2020 -
DocumentProspective petition - Universal Preschool Now (411.78 KB)2/26/2020 -
01/08/2018 -
DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-07 (44.9 KB)- 01/09/2018 - Notice of Ballot Title and Explanatory Statement - MultCoInit-07
01/24/2018 -
11/30/2017 -
DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-06 (80.05 KB)(80.05 KB)
- 12/12/2017 - Notice of Ballot Title and Explanatory Statement - MultCoInit-06
12/12/2017 -
DocumentAmended SEL 370 - MultCoInit-06 (73.5 KB)(73.5 KB)
3/5/2018 -
DocumentWithdrawal form - MultCoInit-06 (56.46 KB)
- DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-05 (143.09 KB)
- DocumentWithdrawal form - MultnCoInit-05 (37.19 KB)
4/3/2017 -
DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-04 (331.81 KB)4/13/2017 -
Document- Ballot title and explanatory statement received from County Attorney's Office.
- Notice of Multnomah Co Initiative Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement - MultCoInit-04
04/25/2017 -
Document05/04/2017 -
6/08/2017 -
DocumentSEL 307 and amended SEL 370 - MultCoInit-04 (65.19 KB)6/13/2017 -
DocumentAmended SEL 370 MultCoInit-04 2017-06-13 (38.42 KB)6/15/2017 -
6/20/2017 -
6/7/2016 -
DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-03 (302.68 KB)- DocumentAmended Prospective Petition MultCoInit-03 (433.1 KB)
- 6/17/2016 - Notice of Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement for MultCoInit-03
6/29/2016 -
Document6/29/2016 -
8/1/2016 -
DocumentInitiative Ballot Title Decision by Judge Nelson (804.23 KB)3/1/2017 -
DocumentWithdrawal form SEL 375 - MultCoInit-03 (53.04 KB)
5/10/2016 -
DocumentProspective Petition MultCoInit-02 (448.24 KB)5/20/2016 -
Document6/03/2016 -
Document- MultCoInit-01
04/23/2015 -
DocumentProspective Initiative Petition Filing (145.77 KB)05/06/2015 -
Document06/02/2015 -
Document- DocumentCirculation Forms MultCoInit-01 (163.04 KB)
- DocumentAmended Circulation Forms - MultCoInit-01 (170.81 KB)
- DocumentMultCoInit-01 Withdrawal (27.69 KB)
MultCoRef-01 (Multnomah County Referendum)
12/23/2013 -
DocumentProspective Referendum Petition Filing (1.72 MB)filed.
12/31/2013 -
DocumentDetermination Letter 12-31-2013 (30.5 KB)sent to petitioner.
01/07/2014 -
DocumentStipulated order - MultCoRef-01 (32.99 KB)signed.
01/08/2014 -
DocumentCirculation Approval Letter MultCoRef-01 (38.18 KB)sent to petitioner for prospective referendum MultCoRef-01
03/03/2014 -
DocumentReferendum decision MultCoRef-01 by Judge Bloch (982.09 KB)- 7/29/2015 - Appeal dismissed by Court of Appeals
- Metro Init-01 (Metro Initiative)
- Prospective Petition - The Local College Affordability Measure - received 1/29/2016
- Document
- Document
- Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement - submitted by Metro Attorney 2/12/2016
- Document
- Notice of Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement
- DocumentBallot Challenge #1 - Ballot Title (1.71 MB)
Document- filed with Multnomah County Circuit Court on 2/24/2016 related to ballot language.
- DocumentBallot Challenge #2 (271.16 KB)
- filed with Multnomah County Circuit Court on 2/24/2016 related to single subject determination.
- Notice of Ballot Title & Explanatory Statement
- Document
- DocumentRelated documents for Metro Init-01 (412.99 KB)
- Prospective Petition - The Local College Affordability Measure - received 1/29/2016
Recall Petition Process
A public officer in an elective office may be recalled, whether elected or appointed. This is done by filing a prospective recall petition with the appropriate Elections official. City recall petitions are filed with the City Elections official. County, Metro and other Special District recall petitions located in Multnomah County are filed with Multnomah County Elections.
The prospective petition may be filed if the public office holder has served at least six months of the current term of office. The signature requirement is 15% of the total number of votes cast in the public officer’s electoral district for all candidates for Governor at the last election at which a candidate for Governor was elected to a full term. The Chief Petitioner has 90 days from filing the prospective to collect and turn in those signatures.
Review the Campaign Finance Manual for recall reporting requirements.
- Recall Manual (PDF)
- Online Prospective Recall Petition Form (SEL 350)
Multnomah County Recall Petition Signature Requirements (15% votes cast for Governor - Nov. 2022)
- Chair, Sheriff and Auditor - 54,907
- Commissioner Dist. 1 - 15,936
- Commissioner Dist. 2 - 15,746
- Commissioner Dist. 3 - 12,764
- Commissioner Dist. 4 - 10,462
Petition Signature Requirements for other Districts
- For special district recall petition numbers, please contact Multnomah County Elections.
- For city recall petition numbers, please contact the city elections clerk.
- For state office petition numbers, please contact the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
Recall Petition Log
Active Petition Information
- No active petitions
Historical Petition Information
- MultcoRecall 2024-01
4/30/2024 - Prospective recall petition filed -
DocumentMultcoRecall 2024-01 (336.27 KB)
- MultcoRecall 2021-01
9/30/2021 - Prospective recall petition filed -
DocumentMultCoRecall_2021-01 (304.65 KB)10/1/2021 - Approval letter for petition circulation -
DocumentPetition_approval_MultCoRecall2021-01.pdf (73.33 KB)
Manuals and References
State Manuals - All of the manuals published by the Elections Division are available online.
Election forms - available from Oregon Secretary of State's office
- Multnomah County Charter
- DocumentChapter 5: Elections (431.25 KB)
- ORS 255 - Special District Elections & Administrative Rules for Initiative, Referendum and Recall
- Oregon Constitution
- Metro Charter & Code
- Links to City charter/code: Fairview, Gresham, Lake Oswego, Maywood Park, Portland, Troutdale and Wood Village.