A bipartisan team of election workers can provide assistance or supports in your home, at a hospital or care facility, or at the elections office. We can also provide voter assistance at the Gresham Voting Center Express, when it is open.
*** Multnomah County Elections is following physical distancing guidelines established by the state and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide assistance.
We can provide assistance to you to:
- register to vote.
- mark or read your ballot.
- update your address, name, political party, or other voter information.
- understand elections rules and steps in voting.
- with any other elections related support.
These services are always free. Multnomah County Elections wants all voters to be able to vote easily, privately and independently, understand the steps in voting, understand elections rules, and know who to ask for assistance.
Forms: These two forms are required to use a signature stamp.
If you need assistance with voter registration or voting, you can contact us by:
Calling us at 503.988.VOTE (8683) or via email at elections@multco.us
Complete the Voter Assistance Request Form