Applying to MYC: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the MYC and why should I join?

“MYC is like a second family. Youth are passionate about the work, adults are willing to support. When you first join the MYC, you are immediately placed into the care of young people who are there to listen to you and value your perspectives. Your voice matters and needs to be heard. Positive and permanent changes are the outcomes of people using their voices to fight for what they believe in. That could be you. It is now your time to create change. By being on the MYC, you are able to express your thoughts freely, growing and learning every step of the way. You will grow into a leader in which even those in power listen to you. This is what being on the MYC means to me. MYC is my outlet to express my passion for implementing positive changes to benefit youth in our communities. I am challenged everyday by other MYCers, and I enjoy being in the presence of youth who are just as okay with making mistakes as I am. We are young and powerful, and our voice matters. So does yours - it’s time to use it.” – Christina Liu, MYC Co-Chair

What GPA or experience do I need to apply for the youth commission?

  • There is NO GPA requirement and no previous experience is necessary. You do not need to be an “expert” to be successful on the MYC.
  • We encourage youth of all backgrounds and that are passionate about making change in Multnomah County and the City of Portland to apply! We will provide support, training, and opportunities to get involved.

What is the process to apply to be on the Youth Commission?

  • Monday April 22nd - Application (submit online or email/mail/ fax a paper copy) are due with two references. Everyone that turns in a complete application will get an interview.
  • Sat. May 11 or Tues May 14 – Interviews details:
    • SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019 10:00am- 12:00pm Gresham Schools Building 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham
    • SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019 2:00pm- 4:00pm Portland City Hall, 2nd Floor Lovejoy Room 1221 SW Fourth Ave, Portland
    • If you are unable to attend either of the Saturday interviews or you miss your scheduled interview, a make-up interview is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2019 4:30-6:30pm 421 SW Oak St, Portland
  • May 31 – Decisions are sent out.
  • June 2nd: Celebration for new Youth Commissioners at the Gresham Schools Building! More information will be sent out about the celebration party after decisions are sent.

What is the time commitment of being on the MYC?

  • Hours requirement (including travel time to meetings):
    • Voting member: 15 hours/month, miss no more than 3 full MYC meetings in 6 months.
    • At-large member: 7 hours/month.
  • There is a three-day fall Retreat in the fall to prepare for the year, and a one day Mid-Year Retreat in February.

What happens if I don’t meet the time commitment?

  • We try our best to check in with you and we understand that challenges come up (transportation, family emergencies, etc). Co-chairs and staff will check in and provide support.
  • If a member doesn’t meet the time commitment, MYC and committee co-chairs will give the member an opportunity to explain the reasons before recommending whether the member should remain or be removed from the commission, and the full commission will vote about that recommendation at the next full MYC meeting.

What are do MYC meetings look like: Sunday and Committee Meetings?

  • Food is provided at all MYC meetings.
  • Sunday meetings: where all formal business is discussed, including votes on items and community presentations.
    • Full MYC meetings about every other week on Sundays from 4:30-7:30pm
    • MYC Co-Chairs lead Sunday meetings.
  • Committee meetings: where the bulk of MYC work is done.
    • Commissioners meet to plan community events (such as Know Your Rights Trainings for immigrant youth, candidate forums, etc), work on policy goals (like expanding access to free bus service to youth), and do other work to make the City and County a better place for youth.
    • Committee co-chairs lead committee meetings.
    • Committee meetings one day a week from 4:30-6pm. Each committee meets on a different day of the week. For example, Sustainability Committee meets on Thursdays this year.

Where are meetings located?

  • Sunday meetings alternate between Portland City Hall (accessible by MAX Yellow/Green, Bus #4,10,14, and many more) and the Gresham Schools Building (accessible by MAX Blue, Bus #21).
  • The Youth Against Violence and Sustainability Committee meet at the Gateway Building (accessible by MAX Blue Line, Bus #20,15). Education/Youth Voice meets at Portland City Hall.
  • MYC provides monthly bus passes and transportation to all other retreats or meetings outside of our regular meetings.

What are the committees and what kind of work do they do?

  1. Education/Youth Voice: advocates for youth voice and equitable education. Main focus: pushing back high school start times
  2. Youth Against Violence: address the many types of violence youth face, from police violence to dating/sexual violence. Main focus: listening sessions for youth to discuss and address youth-police relations
  3. Sustainability: strive for equitable transit access for all youth in Multnomah County and City of Portland. Main focus: Expanding transportation access to youth by advocating for YouthPass (free transit access for youth)
  4. Coordinating Committee (CoCo): made up of the MYC co-chair and the co-chairs of the three committees.

Does the MYC offer accommodations?

Yes! Please contact us at or call/text us at 971.803.2559 to request translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, or other auxiliary aids or services that you need to apply or participate in the MYC.

Tana shares why they joined the MYC
MYCers share why they joined the MYC
Eric shares why he applied to the MYC
Brittney shares why she joined the MYC
MYCers share why they joined the MYC