From the Archive: Multnomah County Medical Examiner identifies two additional suspected deaths associated with prolonged July 2022 heatwave – bringing total to five

The Multnomah County Medical Examiner’s Program on Sunday, July 31, reported it is investigating two additional deaths suspected to be associated with the July 2022 heatwave, bringing the total number of suspected hyperthermia deaths to five.

The fourth and fifth individuals died Saturday, July 30. All five individuals died in Portland.

The first death occurred in Portland on July 25. A second person died July 27, and the third died July 28. No other details are being released at this time.

These are preliminary suspected cases and are under investigation as potential heat-related deaths. Further tests and investigation will determine whether they are officially heat-related. The County will update this information as it becomes available.

If people don’t have a cool place to be at home, they should consider spending time at a cooling shelter or other cool space.

If someone needs a free ride to somewhere cool, call 2-1-1. TriMet is also offering free rides to and from cool spaces, through 10 p.m. Sunday, July 31, for anyone who cannot afford to pay fare.