County looks to drop fixed-bridge alternative from further study – share your input through Oct. 4

Multnomah County is leading a project to create a resilient and safe Burnside Bridge and ensure we have a river crossing in downtown Portland that will withstand a major earthquake. There are currently four bridge alternatives under review.

Through a navigational survey conducted this year, the county learned that the high fixed bridge alternative would require a minimum clearance height of 147 feet above the river, more than twice as high as the Burnside Bridge is today. Creating a Burnside Bridge at this height would cause a significant increase in expected impacts to nearby buildings, residents, cost, traffic and local street closures. These reasons are why this alternative is not being recommended for further study.

The county is hosting an online open house to gather public input on several aspects of the project, including the decision to drop the fixed-bridge alternative. The open house is offered in English, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The Board of County Commissioners is scheduled to vote on these issues in early November. Join the conversation now through Friday, October 4. Individuals who complete the online survey will have a chance to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

The online open house shares new information and seeks public input on:

  • Bridge alternatives.
  • Street space: how the travel lane widths on the bridge can be designed to best serve people walking, biking, taking transit, and driving in the future.
  • Traffic management during construction, including fully closing the bridge or building a temporary bridge.
  • Evaluation criteria that will help determine a preferred bridge alternative for construction.

The project is entering into a formal environmental study where the benefits and drawbacks of the bridge alternatives will be studied. A recommended preferred alternative will be shared with the public for input during the summer of 2020.

Located in the heart of downtown and situated on a regionally established lifeline route, an earthquake-ready Burnside Bridge will be critical for emergency response, reuniting families, and helping our community recover after a major earthquake. For more information, visit