Task force for Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge meets April 8

Members of the public are invited to attend the next meeting of the Community Task Force for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project on Monday, April 8 from 6 – 8 pm at Mercy Corps, Gallery Room, 45 SW Ankeny St., Portland.

The Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project is studying four build options that would create a resilient lifeline crossing over the Willamette River in the event of a major earthquake. The task force will provide input on the environmental review and recommend a preferred alternative in 2020.

The meeting agenda includes:

  • Information on evaluation criteria and how they will be used to compare alternatives
  • Identifying community interests and values to consider in the development of evaluation criteria
  • Identifying what information is needed to develop potential measures for the criteria
  • An update on the project’s technical working groups
  • Time for public comment

Committee members will work in small groups at this interactive meeting. Members represent residential areas, business districts, and interests including auto commuters, transit users, freight, pedestrians, bicyclists, people with disabilities, bridge history, social service agencies and other organizations based near the bridge.

There are several transit options near the meeting location, including the TriMet Skidmore Fountain Max Station and buses #12, 19, and 20 Stop ID: 9526, 689. Limited on-street parking is also available.

For more information, visit www.burnsidebridge.org. Meeting materials will be posted to the website following the meeting. Multnomah County maintains the Burnside Bridge and leads the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project.