Refer a Client
A physician can refer any client to the TB clinic that meets eligibility requirements.
Report a Case
By law, physicians must report both suspected and confirmed TB cases to the local health department (OAR 333-018-005).
Call 503-988-3406 to report your case to the Health Department’s Tuberculosis Program.
You’ll need to tell us:
- The person’s identity and demographics (name, address, phone numbers, race, date and place of birth, sex)
- Clinical information (hospitalizations related to current diagnosis, smear and culture results, x-ray and biopsy results, treatment plan if available)
- Site of suspected of active disease (lung, pleura, lymph, abdominal, etc.)
- Physician’s contact information
Your case will be assigned to a registered nurse case manager, who will call you to discuss the treatment plan. We have a medical director on staff that can manage your patient’s treatment.
If your client has co-existing medical conditions, we recommend that the managing physician direct TB treatment with consultation with our TB medical director as needed.
Our case manager will work with the treating physician to provide follow-up, and manage directly observed medication and side effects.
Transfer a Case
Call the Multnomah County TB Program at 503-988-3406, option 3
Tuberculosis Clinic
619 NW 6th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Portland, OR 97209 MAP
Fax: 503-988-3917
Hours: Monday- Friday 9-11:30 am, 1-5 pm