Staffing reductions in Transportation prompted us to cut back on certain road maintenance activities. We used public input and our values to set service levels to meet the needs of underserved communities. The service levels focus on supporting social equity and economic well-being, while protecting the environment.
We have prioritized these services to ensure safety of the community.
Services to remain unchanged

Inspect culverts when staff is available
Clean and repair culverts when problems are identified to prevent flooding and damage to streams and property

Patch and repair potholes when service requests are submitted in the SeeClickFix app
Seal cracked roads recommended by our Pavement Management Program

Respond to locate requests within two business days or less to prevent damage to underground utilities.

Cut vegetation around traffic signs and right-of-way to improve visibility for driver safety
Maintain bioswales as needed

Respond immediately and prepare for snow and ice events on Priority 1 Roads with sanding, plowing and de-icing.

Stop scheduled work and respond as soon as possible to:
major traffic accidents
debris, landslides or trees in the roadway
malfunctioning traffic signals
missing stop signs

Paint all roads that have striping two times per year
Make and replace traffic signs that are damaged, removed or not reflective when they are reported by SeeClickFix or identified by staff.
Services to be scaled back

Shift from annual maintenance of adding gravel and grading to a biennial or longer schedule
Expect longer response times.

Shift from 3,000 sign inspections a year to 1,500
Prioritize signs protecting safety, such as stop and warning signs

Herbicide program on hold until certified staff are available
Shift from mowing 100% of rural roads to 50%-75%, focusing on safety such as near intersections

Response times for Priority 1 roads (main arterials and collectors) will be slower.
May not be able to address Priority 2 (lower traffic) roads

Scale back debris removal on roadways and shoulders due to staff reductions. Still committed to being flexible in addressing pickups. Public can use SeeClickFix app to make requests.
Crews will immediately respond if the garbage poses a critical safety concern. Garbage that is not a safety issue will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Expect longer response times. More consistent garbage pickups on right-of-ways will resume once staffing levels are restored.
Services to be cancelled

Chip Seal is a paving surface treatment that combines fine gravel with one or two layers of liquid asphalt. It does not work well on the surface of rural roads in poor condition and is not a sound investment of the County’s limited funds.