Public can now review Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge SDEIS

The public can now review the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge (EQRB) project.

In 2021, the project team developed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as part of the federally required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, which looks at the environmental impacts of large infrastructure projects. Since then, project leaders approved several cost-saving refinements for the project. The Supplemental Draft EIS reflects those changes.

In 2017, Multnomah County began studying options to address the crucial need in the region for a seismically-resilient bridge. The project team evaluated several potential solutions. Project leaders recommended one option, called the Preferred Alternative to replace the nearly 100-year-old Burnside Bridge. The Preferred Alternative has the same alignment as the existing bridge. As part of the proposal, the bridge will have four lanes instead of its current five. The new bridge would have fewer supports in the river, resulting in longer spans that go over areas with highly liquefiable soils. This design will help the bridge be more resilient in a major earthquake.

Public review is open through June 13, 2022. Visit our online open house to learn about the Supplemental Draft EIS, access technical reports, other supporting materials and submit public comments. The project team will consider your comments as it prepares to publish the Final EIS in December 2022.

Comments can be submitted online at the open house and in the following ways:

  • Voicemail: (503) 423-3790
  • Email:
  • Postal mail: Burnside Supplement Draft EIS, 1403 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214
  • Make an appointment to provide public testimony at an in-person hearing on Wednesday, June 8 from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Multnomah Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd by calling (503) 423-3790 or emailing with your name and the best way to contact you

After the Federal Highway Administration issues a Record of Decision approving the Final EIS and the Preferred Alternative, the project will move on to the design phase. Construction can start as soon as 2025, pending funding.

Multnomah County maintains the Burnside Bridge and leads the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project. The Federal Highway Administration is the lead federal agency for the EIS, and the Oregon Department of Transportation is a joint lead agency. For additional project information, visit 

A new earthquake ready Burnside Bridge could include a cable supported design.
A new earthquake ready Burnside Bridge could include a cable supported design.