Community Task Force holds final meeting of Environmental Review Phase for Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project

On Monday, July 18 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the Community Task Force for the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project will hold its final meeting of the Environmental Review Phase.

At the meeting the project team will summarize comments received on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement and discuss next steps. City of Portland staff will provide a status update on concepts for a ramp connection from the bridge to the Eastbank Esplanade and share the selected traffic configuration for the proposed four-lane bridge. The meeting is open to the community and includes time for public comment.

Meeting details:

Location: Multnomah Building – Boardroom: 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214

(The boardroom is on the first floor to the right as you walk into the building).

Transit / Parking Options:

  • Streetcar – SE Grand & Hawthorne, Stop ID: 13616; Bus Lines 2, 10, 14 - SE Hawthorne & 6th, Stop ID: 2594;
  • On-street parking near the Multnomah Building - NOTE: MultCo parking garage closes and locks at 6 p.m. do NOT park there.

Date/Time: Monday, July 18, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • 6:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. – Opening remarks from Multnomah County Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson and viewing of new project video
  • 6:20 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. – Project Update & Presentation

The Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project will soon complete the Environmental Review Phase. This is a federally-required process that looks at the environmental impacts of the project. The Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project will create the first seismically resilient crossing over the Willamette River that could be immediately used after a major earthquake. The Community Task Force final meeting for this phase culminates more than three years of hard work helping the project team make key decisions. Task force members represent neighborhoods, business districts and bridge users including pedestrians, bicyclists, auto commuters, transit users, freight, river users, bridge history, social service agencies and other organizations based near the Burnside Bridge.

The public can submit comments in advance of the meeting. To submit a comment, email it to by noon, Monday, July 18. A recording of the meeting will be posted to the project website library the week after the meeting. Meeting materials are available on the project website.

Multnomah County maintains the Burnside Bridge and leads the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge Project. The Environmental Review Phase will be completed late this year. Design work will begin spring 2023 and construction could begin as early as 2025, pending funding. For more information, or to sign up for email notifications, visit