We support quality of life and community inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing case management and supported access to funded services. We strive to eliminate barriers to service delivery based on race, background, or circumstance for every person we serve.
Multnomah County Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Division commits to an equitable, accessible, inclusive, and racially just community. We uphold the human dignity, freedom of choice, strengths, and abilities of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families. We honor and elevate the intersecting ethnic, racial, gender, cultural, linguistic identities and sexual orientation of the people we serve.
- Self-determination – we promote that individuals have the support and information they need to participate in decision-making processes and make life choices.
- Quality and Cost-Effective Services – we are good stewards of public funds, providing quality and cost-effective services.
- Personal Growth – we nurture personal growth with staff and the people we serve.
- Partnership – we value and seek to develop individual and community partnerships.
- Integrity – we commit to ethical action, compassion, and maintaining transparent processes.
- Efficiency and Accountability - we continually improve systems and services. We demonstrate competence and hold high standards for our work, ensuring superior services to our community.
- Diversity – we value the strengths, perspectives, and contributions of a diverse workforce and community.
- Dignity & Respect – we respect an individual’s right to make their own life choices.
- Advocacy – we advocate for the rights and needs of the people we serve
- Access – we link people to services, provide access to multiple services, identify barriers to services, and provide community education
Contact Us
Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (503) 988-3658
Email: idd@multco.us
Fax: (503) 988-3648
After Hours Help Line: (503) 988-3646
Office Locations and Mailing Addresses
5 Oak Building: 209 SW Fourth Ave. Portland, OR 97204
(map and directions)
Multnomah County East: 600 NE 8th St. Gresham, OR 97030
(map and directions)