Multnomah County has maintained an active energy program since 1994.

Renewable Energy Generation: In 2007, the Board adopted Resolution 07-125 authorizing the development of solar energy generation projects on County facilities. We have solicited proposals and begun negotiating contracts to install over 1mWh of solar panels on County properties. The County will continue investigate potential for water, wind, and additional solar energy generation projects.

Energy Conservation Measures: The program initially focused on efficiency improvements through the retrofit and replacement of energy-using equipment in County facilities. We worked on single projects to provide the most energy efficiency and the best return on our investment. While continuing to work on energy-using equipment, we are now also targeting energy conservation measures on the least energy efficient facilities as a whole.

System Control Efforts: As the program evolved, our primary focus shifted to optimizing the operation and control of existing building equipment through direct digital control of mechanical systems and programmed control of lighting systems. In 2002, the Multnomah County Chair approved Executive Rule No. 268 to focus County government on additional energy conservation opportunities. The Board of County Commissioners also adopted a resolution to authorize green power purchases to encourage renewable energy, which has been in place since April of 2000. The County’s goal is to reduce energy consumption by an additional 10% by the year 2010 from 2000 consumption levels at County facilities.

For more information on the Energy Program, please contact Tim Lynch.

Photovoltaic solar panels
Last reviewed July 1, 2024