FY 2023 Adopted Budget Notes and Department Follow-up

FY 2023 Adopted Budget Notes and updated materials from Departments.

FY 2023 Adopted Budget Notes

The following Budget Notes were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 16, 2022. Board discussion and deliberation is an integral part of the County budget process. Budget notes are used to request future policy discussions, identify areas that the Board would like to explore in depth during the year, and identify funding placed in General Fund contingency for future investments. Budget notes can also be used to document discussions and decisions made by the Board during budget worksessions and provide direction to departments in achieving the Board’s policy goals during the fiscal year.

Body Worn Camera Implementation - Sheriff’s Office

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office has expressed interest in utilizing body-worn cameras (BWC) for their law enforcement division. Several other law enforcement agencies within Multnomah County have deployed the devices in their organizations, including the Gresham Police Department, Port of Portland Police, and Portland State’s Campus Public Safety Office. The Portland Police Bureau is also in the midst of a multi-year process to implement their usage.

The roll out of body worn cameras within a law enforcement agency is a complex process. The Board of County Commissioners requests a briefing no later than March 1, 2023, to obtain a greater understanding of this undertaking. The Multnomah County FY 2023 budget sets aside $500,000 in contingency funds to assist with the start of implementation. This briefing will assist the Board in determining whether to release those funds.

The briefing should include an analysis of the following:

  1. The proposed policies and procedures for BWC usage;
  2. The interagency dialogue and agreements that must be developed to ensure appropriate alignment of usage and review, especially those incidents involving multiple agencies;
  3. The procurement process for both devices and storage;
  4. Estimates of the ongoing costs to support this effort, including but not limited to staffing responsibilities and personnel, IT and footage review by the District Attorney’s office;
  5. The process for review of potential misconduct and the standards for referral to an external agency for investigation; and
  6. A timeline outlining procurement, policy development, and deployment.

Board Briefing Tuesday, February 21, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. Informational Briefing to Address FY23 Budget Note: MCSO Body Worn Cameras. Presenters: Sheriff Nicole Morrisey O’Donnell, Chief Deputy James Eriksen, Captain Doug Asboe. (40 min)

APR-MCSO FY23 Budget Note Body Worn Cameras

MCSO BWC Briefing

Homeless Services and Investments in East County

The Joint Office of Homeless Services, in partnership with its municipal partners, will present a comprehensive summary briefing of East County investments across the housing and homelessness continuum by the end of December 2022. This summary should include all investments made by the JOHS and with Supportive Housing Services revenue focusing on strategies specific to East Multnomah County. The intent of this presentation is to provide a better understanding of implementation of strategies and the identification of gaps within this implementation. Municipal partners will be invited to participate in the briefing to the Board of County Commissioners.

Board Briefing Tuesday, October 4, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. Informational briefing to address FY23 Budget Note: JOHS - East County Investments. Presenters: Interim Director, Shannon Singleton, Deputy Director, Joshua Bates, Director of Programs, Kanoe Engleston. (60 min)

APR-JOHS East County FY23 Budget Note Briefing

FY 2023 East County Investments Budget Presentation – Joint Office of Homeless Services

Countywide Recruitment and Retention

The Board requests a briefing from the Chief Operations Officer or Chief Human Resources Officer in early 2023 on open vacancies, recruitment efforts and challenges, and retention issues. COVID, changes in work conditions and preferences, and other issues have led to significant turnover and movement in the labor force. This briefing will provide an update on the County’s workforce and how the investments made in increased Human Resources programs are impacting open vacancies.

Gun Violence Efforts

The Board requests a briefing from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, and Department of Community Justice, as well as other departments, offices, and partners, as needed, on gun violence. The briefing will cover gun violence prevention efforts and their effectiveness, with a focus on recent board investments, such as investigatory and prosecutorial resources, community partnerships, and gun dispossession. The briefing will engage other departments and offices as needed, and take place in early 2023.

Board Briefing Tuesday, February 28, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. Informational Briefing on the FY23 Budget Note on Gun Violence Efforts. Presenters: LPSCC: Abbey Stamp (Executive Director), Wendy Lin-Kelly (Project Manager); District Attorney Mike Schmidt; Sheriff’s Office: Sheriff Nicole Morrissey-O’Donnell, Captain James Erickson; Department of Community Justice: Deputy Director Denise Pena, Juvenile Services Director Kyla Armstrong-Romero; Multnomah County Health Department: Heather Mirasol, Yolanda Gonzalez (Behavioral Health), Charlene McGee, Sarah Fast (Public Health). (60 min)

Gun Violence APR 022823

Gun Violence Budget Note 2-28-23

Joint Office Update on System Metrics

This budget note requests that the Joint Office of Homeless Services report back to the Board of County Commissioners on County specific outcomes metrics that are being tracked to help us understand the impacts of our County supported services on the health, safety, and other quality of life measures for people experiencing homelessness; to discuss any updates to the department’s approach to data, including but not limited to Built For Zero, with the opportunity for Board engagement and feedback, no later than December 2022.

Board Briefing Tuesday, January 31, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. Budget Note Briefing - Health and Safety System Metrics. Presenters: Joshua Bates - Interim Director; Lori Kelley - Planning & Evaluation Coordinator; Kanoe Egleston - Interim Deputy Director & Program Director; Anna Pendas - Adult System Program Manager. (60 min)

JOHS Budget Note – System Metrics Health and Safety APR

Health and Safety Presentation

Evaluation and Briefing on the MAAP Pilot

A pilot of the MCDA Access Attorney Program (MAAP) will begin in FY 2023 to improve public safety by focusing on two specific geographic areas.

Each access Deputy District Attorney (DDA) will work with local community members, stakeholders, and law enforcement to identify the issues and priorities of their particular area and to problem solve, identify preventive strategies, and prosecute cases specific to that area.

This budget note requests that the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office produce a briefing and evaluation and report out to the Board of County Commissioners of the pilot by April of FY 2023.

Metrics are to include:

  • the rationale for choosing the geographic locations and how racial equity and/or the voices of historically underserved communities were incorporated
  • number of contacts with community members
  • types of community groups engaged
  • number of resource referrals
  • number of diversions from prosecution
  • number of cases prosecuted
  • types of law violations prosecuted
  • reported crime in the assigned geographic areas
  • number of referrals to the Justice Integrity Unit.

All metrics are to be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, housing status, and other relevant demographic information. If available, metrics should be compared to prior year.

Report on Unmet In-Home Care Needs for Older Adults with Experience of Homelessness

Recent research shows that older adults with experiences of homelessness are two times more likely to have cognitive impairments and are 2.5-10 times more likely to have difficulty with self care. The Multnomah County 2019 Point In Time report shows that the population of older adults (people aged 55+) experiencing homelessness increased by 15% over a two-year period.

These households will likely need additional support in their homes to address challenges caused by physical and mental impairments to remain successful, once placed in housing. Because of how homelessness disproportionately impacts households of color, this population of older adults may be at higher risk of negative housing outcomes such as returns to homelessness from permanent housing.

This budget note requests the Department of County Human Services and the Aging, Disability and Veterans Services Division, with assistance from the Joint Office of Homeless Services as needed, produce a report to the Board of County Commissioners that addresses the following areas:

  • Identify the services needed for older adult households, as well as the number of older adult households that could potentially be served
  • Identification of common risk factors that older adult tenants may be at risk of eviction due to unmet in-home care needs
  • Recommendations of potential programs to address the issues identified
  • Options for implementation of resources and approaches for piloting the models

The report is to be presented to the Board no later than March 31, 2023.

REGULAR MEETING - Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m. Informational Briefing on the FY 2023 Budget Note to Report on Unmet In-Home Care Needs for Older Adults with Experience of Homelessness. Presenters: Irma Jimenez & Alex Garcia Lugo. (45 min)

APR Briefing - Report on Unmet In-Home Care Needs

Presentation 4_20_23 - Unmet InHome Care Needs for Older Adults - Presentation

Last reviewed April 26, 2023