FAQ - Applying for the Community Involvement Committee

Frequently asked questions about applying for the Community Involvement Committee.

To support the community in understanding what the Community Involvement Committee (CIC) does and what membership in the Committee is like, members and staff created this list of Frequently Asked Questions. The CIC recruits new members every year between February and March, and may also open special recruitments as needed through the year. Please refer to the Office of Community Involvement and Community Involvement Committee pages for more information, as well as the Community Involvement Committee Documents. Please contact the Office of Community Involvement with any additional questions!

What does the CIC do?
The CIC serves as Multnomah County’s advisory body on community engagement and involvement. CIC members engage in an ongoing review of the County's community involvement policies and programs, bring community concerns to County leadership, and assist in facilitating communication between the County and the community. Together, the committee makes recommendations directly to the Office of Community Involvement, county departments and the Board of County Commissioners about opportunities for community engagement and removing barriers to civic participation. Learn more about our work here.

What is the time commitment to be a CIC member?
At a minimum, members will attend a bimonthly 2 hour meeting, which will typically require 1-2 hours of prep time. Members also have opportunities to be involved as a CIC Co-Chair (additional 2 hours a month), Subcommittee Member (additional 2-3 hours a month), Subcommittee Chair (additional 2-3 hours a month) or other CIC events and projects. Please see the 


for more detailed information.

Most CIC activities occur on weekday evenings. CIC meetings are typically held on Tuesday evenings, every other month, and meet September through June. Subcommittees, working groups, and events may choose to meet during the day or weekend. At the beginning of each fiscal year we will determine meeting times for all of the CIC groups as well as whether meetings will be hybrid (in-person with a remote option) or remote only. CIC meetings are posted publicly on the Community Involvement Committee Meetings page.

How long is a term on the CIC?
Members are appointed for three year terms, and can serve up to two consecutive terms, for a total of six years.

What would be expected of me as a CIC member?
CIC members are expected to attend CIC meetings, functions, and events. This includes the CIC’s meetings that are held on Tuesday evenings, every other month. Most CIC meetings occur on weekdays, evenings or during the day as members decide. Subcommittees, working groups, and events may choose to meet during the day or weekend. Currently CIC meetings can be held hybrid (in person with a remote option) or remote only- CIC Chairs and the Committee or subcommittees decide the best fit for their meeting. In person meetings will be held at rotating locations around Multnomah County. CIC members are also expected to participate in an annual retreat, which will take place each September, and serve on at least one subcommittee per 3 year term. Subcommittees meet monthly and there are opportunities for leadership development and deeper involvement as CIC and Subcommittee Chairs.

CIC members are County public officials, and are expected to comply with the County’s personnel policies and State ethics laws. Training is provided on County and CIC policies and procedures.

Do members receive a stipend for participation on the CIC?
The Office of Community Involvement is able to offer CIC members an optional $35 stipend for each committee and subcommittee meeting attended. This stipend amount is to help members offset the costs of meeting participation (such as transportation, food, childcare, technology, etc) and will be distributed via direct deposit or gift card.

Is virtual participation on the CIC an option?
Yes, all meetings are currently held virtually or hybrid (in person with a remote option). If you are interested in applying for the CIC and accessing remote meetings but do not have reliable access to a computer, tablet, device or wifi, please contact the Office of Community Involvement.

What technology will I use as a CIC member? 
The CIC uses email to communicate and all members are asked to either have or be willing to set up an email account. If you have questions or would like support setting up an email account please contact the Office of Community Involvement. The CIC uses Google Drive to store, share, and edit documents as a group. PDF or printed documents are also available, as is training and technical support on how to use Google Drive and Google Documents. The CIC uses Zoom for online meetings and remote options for hybrid meetings, and training or support is available for zoom as well. The CIC has laptops and hotspots available to borrow. Please contact the Office of Community Involvement if you have questions.

What other supports or assistance to attend are available?
The CIC is able to provide interpretation for meetings and translation of critical documents. Large print or paper copies of materials are also available. Please contact the Office at least one week before the meeting to arrange interpretation. The CIC also has laptops and hotpots available for CIC members to borrow if needed. OCI office space is also available during the workday and CIC meeting times if members need quiet, internet space to work on CIC matters. If you have an access need of any kind please speak to staff, the CIC aims to be as accessible as possible.

Who is eligible to apply?
County employees are not eligible to serve on the CIC. Otherwise, anyone interested in serving on the CIC who can fulfill the expectations of membership is welcome to apply. There is no age requirement for membership in the CIC and students are encouraged to apply. There is no citizenship or residency requirement and people with all relationships to Multnomah County are encouraged to apply.

Do I need to be a Multnomah County resident?
No. We welcome applications from individuals who live, work, worship or otherwise are involved in Multnomah County, or who have a demonstrated interest in the County’s work. There is no residency or citizenship requirement and people who have lived in the region for any period of time are encouraged to apply. County employees are not eligible to serve on the CIC.

What do you look for in applicants?
We look for applicants who have personal, professional and/or lived experience with communities typically underrepresented in decision-making; who bring a commitment to shared leadership, consensus-building, and working across difference; and who have a sincere interest in public service and community involvement. A basic knowledge of Multnomah County programs and services is helpful, and we encourage applicants to spend some time exploring the multco.us website. We also seek even representation across County Districts- and may do targeted recruitment based on Districts currently represented.

Who would enjoy the work?
People who are interested in building relationships with Commissioners and county staff, engaging with County processes, services, and leadership, who are passionate about connecting to their communities, and excited about influencing decisions that will impact Multnomah County. The CIC is always seeking to diversify its membership to reflect the communities impacted by County decisions.

How does the CIC make its recommendations?
The CIC approves its key recommendations on an annual basis each May, and briefs the Board of County Commissioners on its recommendations. You can read past CIC recommendations here. The CIC also provides input and feedback throughout the year to the Office of Community Involvement and county departments.

If you have any additional questions, contact the Office of Community Involvement.

How do I apply for the CIC?
The CIC typically recruits members in the spring, between February and April. Online and PDF applications will be posted online. Copies in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Somali, and Arabic are available to print. You can also contact the Office and we can mail you a paper application. Please contact us for additional translated applications.

CIC vacancies are assessed and applications are accepted on an annual basis. Recruitment usually takes place between February and April. You can sign up for our quarterly e-newsletter to stay connected with the Office of Community Involvement and to receive news on other opportunities to get involved with Multnomah County!

What questions are on the Application?
These are the questions on the 2024 application and may change by the next CIC cycle. The application is available in multiple languages. You can also auto-translate this page by clicking the "Languages" tab in the top right hand corner. The application will ask about conflicts of interest, other advisory boards you have been on, collect optional demographic information and ask the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in joining the Community Involvement Committee? What perspective, experience, or skills do you hope to bring to the group?
  • Describe a time you were part of a group working towards a common goal. What has been difficult for you when working in groups where including all voices, working together across differences, and equity are critical values? How have you addressed those challenges?
  • The Community Involvement Committee is committed to reducing barriers to participation for communities that have been typically underrepresented in the County decision-making. Describe your experiences with local historically marginalized and underrepresented communities.
  • In your opinion, what are the top three barriers to civic participation and community involvement in county decision-making?
  • Please state any potential conflicts of interest you may have related to any county department, if applicable. Eg. If you are an employee or a board member for an organization that receives county funding and/or has contracts with the County.
  • Please provide us with a summary of your work and volunteer experience. You may provide a written response or attach a resume. If you wish to submit a formatted resume, you may attach it to this application or email it to community.involvement@multco.us.
  • How did you learn about this opportunity?
  • Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

Still have questions?

2025 Virtual Information Sessions
Wednesday, February 19th, 5:30-6:00pm on Google Meet (Calendar

Monday, February 24th, 12:00-12:30pm on Google Meet (Calendar

Friday, March 7th, 10am-10:30am on Google Meet (Calendar)

View the 2024 Information Session slides here: 

Please contact us at community.involvement@multco.us

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Last reviewed November 21, 2024