Salary Commission

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Learn more about the Multnomah County Salary Commission.

The Salary Commission sets the salaries of most elected officials

The Multnomah County Home Rule Charter directs the County Auditor to appoint a Salary Commission by January 1 of each even year. The Commission sets the salaries for the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, County Commissioners, the Sheriff, and the County-paid supplemental salary of the District Attorney. The Charter specifies that:

  • The Commission is to include five members.
  • Members are to be qualified human resource professionals with compensation experience.
  • Elected or appointed County officials and employees cannot serve on the Commission.

How the County Auditor selects the Salary Commission

In the fall of every odd year, the Auditor confirms whether prior members of the Salary Commission will be able to continue their service. The Auditor's Office will work with the Office of Community involvement in order to recruit members. Commission members can come from both the public and private sectors.

The County Auditor's salary is based on the salary for a circuit court judge

The Salary Commission does not recommend a salary for the County Auditor. Multnomah County Home Rule Charter states that the County Auditor’s salary will be 4/5 of a circuit court judge’s salary. 


The Salary Commission is established in County Home Rule Charter Chapter 4, Section 4.30:

The auditor shall appoint a five-member salary commission, composed of qualified human resource professionals with compensation experience, by January 1 of each even year. The salary commission shall set the salaries for the chair of the board of county commissioners, county commissioners, sheriff and the county paid supplemental salary of the district attorney, documenting the basis of its decisions. All elected or appointed Multnomah County officials and employees are prohibited from serving on the salary commission.