SUN Community Schools

We ensure that the future is in good hands by making sure young people have access to a full range of opportunities throughout their childhood.

SUN Community Schools have:

  • After school programs
  • Quality instruction, enrichment, and extra-curricular activities
  • Links to food, shelter, and help with energy bills
  • Many sites have on-site food pantries or Free Food Market 
  • Connection to health and mental health services
  • Some sites have on-site school-based health clinics
  • Adult education and recreation such as English classes, computer skills, and Zumba
  • Parent and family activities and events

Community schools are open longer during the school year and in summer.

Who can participate?

SUN Community Schools offer programs that are open to all ages, with a focus on students in the immediate school community.                                                                                                                                                                

Key documents to download



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