Road condition testing to impact traffic on S.W. 257th Drive

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On Friday, November 4, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will be single lane closures on S.W. 257th Drive while a contractor tests the condition of the pavement with a truck and special equipment. Those intermittent lane closures will be between S.E. Stark Street and S.W. Cherry Park Road/S.W. Sturges Drive. A contractor will be driving a truck with special equipment to test the condition of the pavement. The truck will be moving slowly and making frequent stops. It will also have a sign on the back of the truck to caution drivers and direct traffic to the other lane. This work is part of the beginning stages of Multnomah County’s S.W. 257th Drive Safety Improvements Project. Multnomah County maintains 269 miles of roads, including S.W. 257th Drive in Troutdale. For information, visit: /roads.