Please use the form below to sign up to testify. You may also use the form to submit written testimony on agenda items.
Public comment on non-agenda items will be heard at the beginning of Thursday board meetings. Comments on agenda items are heard before the Board votes on that item.
PLEASE NOTE: There are a limited amount of speaking slots available for public testimony on non-agenda items for each Board meeting. The deadline to sign up for public testimony is 4 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to a Thursday Board meeting. If non-agenda testimony slots are full, you may still sign up to give testimony for actionable items on the regular agenda.
This website will be updated when all public testimony slots for non-agenda items for a Board meeting have been filled.
Board meetings take place in the Multnomah Building at 501 Southeast Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Oregon, in Boardroom 100.
Depending upon time constraints, public comment may be limited both in number of speakers and in time to testify.
Interpretation: If you need interpretation, please email 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Assisted Listening Devices: Please email to request assisted listening devices.
UPDATE: The speaker list on non-agenda items for the March 20, 2025 meeting is full. Please contact if you want to submit written testimony or reserve a speaker spot on a future date. You may still sign up to speak on actionable items on the regular agenda.