To renew your registration, visit the DMV.
Residents of Multnomah County pay an additional fee when they renew their Oregon motor vehicle registration every two years. As of January 1, 2021, the two-year county fee is $112 for cars and pickup trucks, or $78 for motorcycles. Vehicles that are exempt from the state fee, such as large commercial trucks, are also exempt from the county fee. (In Oregon, owners of large commercial trucks pay a different fee called a weight mile tax).
The fee is collected by Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services (the DMV). It is collected at the same time as the state fee, as part of renewing your registration.

What is the vehicle registration fee used for?
The fee is used to pay for planning of the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge, to make sure the Portland metro area will have at least one downtown bridge standing after a major earthquake. It also pays off the bonds that were used to fund the new Sellwood Bridge that opened in 2016.
By law, the county’s fee can only be used for the Willamette River bridges that the county operates and maintains.
What about commercial vehicles?
Commercial vehicles that weigh less than 13 tons pay the fee as usual.
Commercial vehicles of 13 tons or larger don’t pay the fee. Instead of a registration fee, they are charged a weight-mile tax.
Are there exemptions for any other vehicle types or owners?
Any vehicle type or owner group that is exempted by the state fee is also exempt from Multnomah County’s local VRF. Examples include snowmobiles and All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), vehicles registered to disabled veterans, antique and special interest vehicles, government, school and law enforcement vehicles, and vehicles registered for interstate operation.
What if I’ve moved into or out of the county?
If your address has changed and you’ve moved into or out of Multnomah County since your last renewal, the fee you owe may be different than what’s printed on your renewal notice.
DMV reviews all address changes to ensure correct fees are paid. If your vehicle address has changed into or out of Multnomah County, you will need to submit your address change to DMV and renew your registration. You may do this at a DMV field office or online.
Learn More
Learn more about the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project.
Learn more about the Sellwood Bridge.
Learn more about the Willamette River Bridge Capital Improvement Plan.
Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services for information on vehicle renewals.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for information on vehicle inspection program.