Contact Victim and Survivor Services

Request support or assistance from Victim and Survivor Services

Safety Alert - If there is an abusive person in your life, they may be monitoring your computer use. It is impossible to completely delete your internet history. Please use caution when viewing this website. If you need to leave this site quickly you can push this button to immediately go to Google.

A note about your confidentiality: Victim and Survivor Services advocates are required to report to a parole-probation officer (PPO) when someone on community supervision commits a new crime or violates conditions of their supervision. Please only tell our advocates about violations and new crimes if you are comfortable with the advocate sharing this information with a PPO. Please note that our advocates, and all justice system advocates, are mandatory reporters and must report if a child or vulnerable adult has been harmed. Your confidentiality is very important to our advocates and we do everything we can to ensure your confidentiality as we understand that your confidentiality impacts your safety. For more information about your privacy and confidentiality, please ask our advocates to tell you about our confidentiality requirements.

Send a message to an Advocate: Victim and Survivor Service offers advocacy support to people who have been harmed by a person on community supervision (probation, parole, post-prison) with the Department of Community Justice (DCJ). We also provide support to justice involved individuals on supervision with DCJ who are experiencing complex abuse such as domestic or sexual violence, stalking, or sex trafficking. To contact an advocate please call 503-988-7606 or fill out the online form below. It may take our advocate two business days to respond to your online message.

Submit a message to Victim and Survivor Services advocate

How would you like us to get back to you?
*Note: Please only share your email if you are comfortable with us emailing you. If you are concerned your email may be monitored by an abusive person please enter a safe phone number for us to call you and do not share your email. Please be aware that as government employees, our emails are subject to public records request so do not share information in an email that could harm your safety.
Is it safe for us to leave a message on your phone?
*Note our advocates generally work from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.
* You can use our PPO Look-up to find the name of parole or probation officer for an adult under current supervision with DCJ. Go to:
Last reviewed May 6, 2024