Victim and Survivor Services

No matter what was taken or who was hurt, you may feel that your life has changed. We will advocate for your dignity, safety and legal rights.


Parole and Probation Officer Lookup

This look-up tool connects you with Parole-Probation Officers (PPOs) for individuals under supervision with the Adult Services Division.

Safety Alert - If there is an abusive person in your life, they may be monitoring your computer use. It is impossible to completely delete your internet history. Please use caution when viewing this website. If you need to leave this site you can push this button(link is external) to immediately go to Google.

Have you experienced a crime?

If the case is going through the criminal justice system, there are advocates available to support you through the justice system process. Please read below to learn about which agencies are available and how to access services.

If you made a police report and are not sure what is happening with the case or if the case is going through the criminal court process, contact the District Attorney's Victim Assistance Program at 503-988-3222.

If the case has gone through the criminal courts and the person who harmed you is on community supervision (also called probation, parole or post-prison supervision), contact a Department of Community Justice (DCJ) at:

If you want to be notified when a person is released from custody (jail, prison, or Oregon Youth Authority), please register with VISOR:

If you haven’t made a police report or if you are looking for support outside of the justice system there are non-profit agencies available to support you.  

  • Call to Safety offers 24/7 confidential support for people impacted by domestic and sexual violence, stalking or sex trafficking. Call 503-235-5333 or toll free at 1-888-235-5333 or learn about their services on their website
  • El Programa Hispano - UNICA (Español) es una línea de apoyo confidencial que provee asistencia las 24 horas del día y 7 días de la semana para sobrevivientes de violencia. Llame al numero 503-232-4448 o 1-888-232-4448 o visite el sition web.     
  • Lutheran Community Services Crime Victim Advocacy Program offers non-crisis advocacy support to crime victims and survivors who have experienced any crime other than domestic violence. Call 971-888-7830 X 3 and leave a message for an advocate, or call 360-787-4726 to speak with the manager.
  • More resources for domestic and sexual violence.