If you are in Multnomah County, you can sign up here. Signing up for these notifications allows emergency response agencies to notify you via text, call or email when an emergency in your area may require you to take action (such as shelter-in-place or evacuation).
Alerts from the National Weather Service: Receive severe weather alerts for up to five locations across the U.S. and see information about how to stay safe.
Disaster Reporter: Upload and share photos of damage and recovery efforts.
Maps of disaster resources: Locate and receive driving directions to open shelters and disaster recovery centers.
Apply for assistance: Easily access DisasterAssistance.gov to apply for federal disaster assistance.
Custom emergency safety information: Save a custom list of the items in your family’s emergency kit, as well as the places you will meet in case of an emergency.
Safety tips: Receive safety and preparedness reminders and learn how to stay safe before, during, and after over 20 types of hazards, including floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.
Information in Spanish: Easily toggle between English and Spanish for all features of the app.
The FlashAlert® system gives you access to emergency messages, such as breaking news or weather closure information, and news releases from participating organizations.
Information on this page is updated annually prior to the winter weather season. If you or your agency would like to see additional information on this page, please contact us.