ADA Transition Plan

Public agencies with more than 50 employees such as Multnomah County are required to create an ADA transition plan to detail steps necessary to make their facilities accessible.

We have created a plan to help decide how to make our roads and bridges accessible to people with disabilities.

In March 2023, the plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

Why are we doing this?

Title II of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design prohibits state and local governments from discriminating against people with disabilities. Public agencies with more than 50 employees such as Multnomah County are required to create an ADA transition plan to detail steps necessary to make their facilities accessible.

What’s in the plan?

Our plan must address barriers to accessibility in the public right of way.

There are four required elements of the plan:

  • Identify physical barriers for people with disabilities
  • Describe methods to remove barriers
  • Create a schedule to address barriers
  • Identify a person responsible for carrying out the plan

The plan identifies 948 curb ramps and signalized crossings that do not comply with the ADA. It sets priorities based on ramp condition, truncated dome presence, and several location factors, such as nearness to libraries and hospitals.

The plan then lists the ways that we are removing barriers. These include:

  • Updating our policy and standards
  • Projects designed specifically for ADA improvements
  • Including ADA improvements in other road and bridge projects
  • Improvements required of developers or homeowners as part of construction permits

The schedule outlines the necessary steps to address the barriers. These steps include collecting more data, applying our priorities, and finding project funds.

What’s not in the plan?

The plan creates a process for how we remove barriers, not a list of projects at specific locations.

Specific projects will be identified and scheduled as we carry out the plan. There will be opportunities to comment as those projects are proposed and designed. If you provide comments now about specific locations, we will consider those as we develop future projects.

Last reviewed December 3, 2024