Safe Routes to School makes walking and bicycling to school more fun, convenient, and safe for families.
Multnomah County partners with the cities and schools of East Multnomah County to support Safe Routes to School activities for youth.
Jan 2025: High School Student Opportunities
Safe Routes to School is offering two new programs for high school students.
Sticker Design Contest!
Everyone loves stickers, so here's a chance to design one that will be distributed statewide!
The contest runs through February 28th. You can find all the details on the ODOT SRTS webpage, or by downloading these flyers:
- DocumentSticker Design Contest (134.08 KB)
- DocumentConcurso de diseño de calcomanías (135.45 KB)
Statewide Task Force!
We are recruiting 5 high school students from around the state to be part of a task force which will help us shape the ODOT SRTS High School program. Students will be compensated $500 for their participation. The program will be from February-June 2025, averaging 5-7 hours of commitment per month. All meetings will be virtual, and students will be doing some engagement with their school communities.
The QR code on the flyer will take you to the application:
- DocumentHigh School Transportation Task Force (124.73 KB)
- Document
Multnomah County can support schools in East Multnomah County who provide Safe Routes to School programming activities such as:
- Encouragement events before, during, or after school to promote walking and bicycling
- Bicycle and pedestrian safety curriculum for schools, including training for school staff
Learn how Multnomah County can support your Safe Routes to School activities, and see examples of successful projects:
- DocumentSRTS Program Implementation Strategy (4.01 MB)
- DocumentMenu of Activities (300.71 KB)
- DocumentMap: East County Schools (781.23 KB)
- Metro Safe Routes to School safety campaign toolkit
- Oregon Safe Routes to School
Partners and Resources:
The Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Pacific Northwest Region
MaryJo Andersen
Safe Routes to School
Multnomah County Transportation Planning