Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Billing Summaries (MHAS5-001): Summarizes managed care services provided by contracted service providers. Summaries show provider name, date of payment, client name(s), authorization numbers, amount authorized, and date authorized.
Retention: Retain 4 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(1))
Chemical Dependency Treatment Authorization Records (MHAS5-003): Documents county authorization of expenditures for chemical dependency treatment services under the Oregon Health Plan. Case records include service authorization form and associated documentation, including copies of treatment plans, termination/discharge forms, placement criteria, OHP identification sheet, correspondence, case notes and related material. Authorizations show client name, provider name, date of authorization, authorization number, amount requested, amount authorized, description of service, period authorized for, and person authorizing payment.
Retention: Retain 10 years after last service. (OAR 410-141-3520(10), formerly 2008-0011/010) Retention updated 01/31/2019
Crisis/Care Coordination Case Records (MHAS5-007): Documents a variety of actions taken to insure that individuals receive crisis care as needed as well as providing on going care coordination. The primary vehicle for this function is the Raintree system which documents a variety of actions related to both identified individuals and a pool of unidentified/anonymous clients. The primary records included are contact records, which document someone calling in and requesting some sort of service; case notes, which indicate some sort of evaluation of service requests; and authorizations, which document the authorization of or denial of the provision of both clinical and non-clinical services. Supporting information for collateral contacts is also included.
Retention: Retain information related to identified individuals for 10 years after last service; Retain information about unidentified/anonymous individuals for 10 years. (OAR 410-141-3520(10), formerly 2008-0011/010) Retention updated 01/31/2019
Early Assessment Support Alliance Clinical Records (MHAS5-006): Records documenting services provided to 14 - 30 year-olds who need hospitalization for their first psychotic breakdown. Records consist primarily of case notes and third party assessments. Information includes client name, hospital name, date in custody, date reviewed, review, and actions taken (if any).
Retention: Retain 10 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0060(2); OAR 410-141-3520(10)) Retention updated 10/29/2018
Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT) Clinical Records (MHAS5-004): Assessment records documenting periodic reviews of children in mental health hospitals to see if they need continued treatment. Also used to oversee children screened for custody at the State Hospital. Records consist primarily of case notes and third party assessments. Information includes client name, hospital name, date in custody, date reviewed, review, and actions taken (if any). This program closed in 2005.
Retention: Retain 10 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0060(2); OAR 410-141-3520(10)) Retention updated 10/29/2018
Managed Care Case Records (MHAS5-002): Documents county authorization of expenditures for mental health services under the Oregon Health Plan. Case records include service authorization form and associated documentation, including copies of clinical records, treatment plans, correspondence, case notes and related material. Authorizations show client name, provider name, date of authorization, authorization number, amount requested, amount authorized, description of service, period authorized for, and person authorizing payment.
Retention: Retain 10 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0060(2); OAR 410-141-3520(10)) Retention updated 10/29/2018
Notice of Mental Illness (NMI)) Claim Records (MHAS5-008): Documents services provided to department clients and claims billed. Records include: hospital patient records, including physician notes and reports, progress records, medications; hospital monetary claims; patient private insurance information; chemical dependency patient records; notices of mental illness; response approval and denial records from ICP MHASD to the hospitals; provider notice of decision; circuit and district court notification of mental illness (hospital hold); and circuit and district court investigation report and recommendation.
Retention: Retain 10 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0060(2); OAR 410-141-3520(10)) Retention updated 10/29/2018
Policy and Procedure Guidelines and Manuals, Routine Clerical Manuals (MHAS5-009): Written instructions, rules, and guidelines in manual form documenting current and past authorized agency policies and procedures. Used for new employee orientation and for ongoing reference. This series also includes routine documentation and basic clerical instructional procedures covering such subjects as formatting letters, data entry, telephone etiquette, and others. Information often includes policy and procedure numbers, revision dates, subject identification, narrative description, authorization information, and effective date.
Retention: 2 years after superseded or obsolete. (OAR 166-150-0005(26))
Service Delivery Forms (MHAS5-005): Documents itemized services provided to individual clients under managed care authorizations. Shows date of service, providers name, description of service, client's name, and authorization.
Retention: Retain 4 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(1))