Business Personal Property Return Penalties

Annual Business Personal Property Tax Returns are due March 15th. Contact our office for assistance or to request a replacement form.

Annual Business Personal Property Tax Returns are due March 15th.

Returns filed after March 15 but on or before June 1st, are subject to a 5% late filing penalty.

On June 2nd, the penalty for late filing increases to 25%.

After August 1st, the penalty increases to 50%.

Follow the instructions on the late filing letters to request a replacement form.

Completed forms can be:

  • emailed: - or -
  • mailed: Multnomah County PO Box 2716 Portland OR 97208-2716

If you need further information or assistance with filing your return, call our office at 503.988.6332.

Late Filing Letters

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Last reviewed December 20, 2023