Overpayments and Refunds

Details for how a refund may be requested if the Division of Assessment, Recording and Taxation (DART) receives an overpayment on a property tax account.

Overpayments (from one party)

We automatically refund overpayments from a single party in excess of $10, a request is not necessary. In lieu of a refund, the overpayment may be credited to any outstanding property tax liability of the paying party.

Double payments (from two parties)

When we receive double-payments from different parties, Tax Accounting notifies both parties. To receive a refund, one of the paying parties must submit a

with a reason for the error and where the refund should be sent.

Refunds are Issued Monthly

Refund checks are issued once per month and sent via US mail. Checks are usually mailed around the 15th of the month.

Due to the volume of requests, we cannot guarantee that a refund will be issued by a specific date.

Contact Multnomah County Division of Assessment Recording & Taxation (DART) Tax Accounting

Email: tax.accounting@multco.us

Multnomah County DART
Attn: Tax Accounting
PO Box 2716
Portland, OR 97208-2716


Last reviewed November 15, 2024