Change Center Retention Schedule (ASD7 & ASD8)

The Change Center works to increase positive outcomes for justice-involved adults, offering GED- and job-prep, along with classes and groups that support personal growth.

Community Justice: Adult Services: Adult Transition Services: Change Center

To contact the Change Center directly, please call 503-988-3466.

Program Description

This program offers cognitive behavioral interventions (CBI) and employment services to support justice-involved individuals transition back into the community. It offers CBI groups, employment resources, and service referrals.

Electronic Information Systems

The program uses OTIS to support referrals and group placement tracking. Tracking information that is not duplicated in other records series should be maintained 3 years (MOAR 166-150-0025(2)). Case management information that is not duplicated in other records series should be maintained 3 years after the case is closed.

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Change Center Client Case Records (ASD7-001)
Documents case management for client using the Change Center. The Change Center is a referral resource for parolees or probationers requiring assistance to reduce crimonogenic risk factors. It provides group and treatment referrals. Records include face sheets, referrals, LEDS and PPDD printouts, determination letter, referral log, progress and group notes, information releases, program contract, client assignments, drug testing and evaluation, and discharge information.
Retention: Retain 3 years after case closed. (MOAR 166-150-0025(4))

Class Attendance Records (ASD8-001): Documents client attendance at learning center classes. Records show referral forms, intake forms, and class attendance lists.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (2007-0005/021)

Class Curricula (ASD8-002): Documents the structure and content of learning center classes. Shows class name, teacher's name, class objectives, and a description of the class content.
Retention: Retain until superseded or obsolete. (2007-0005/022)

Client Educational Records (ASD8-003): Documents educational services provided to clients and client progress toward educational goals. The minimum documentation necessary for a file is an intake form and an initial assessment. If there is no further contact, these documents comprise the file. If there is further contact, the file may also contain goals/achievement statement, progress notes, standardized tests, assignments and class work, daily activity log, and related records. Some cases may also have medical or psychological testing records. This information is maintained separately from the main case file.
Retention: Goals/achievement statement, initial assessment, activity log: retain 2 years after case closed; other records: retain until case closed. (2007-0005/023)

Justice-involved Individual Education Statistical Reports - see Research and Planning

Last reviewed January 4, 2024