The Climate Justice Plan (CJP) will draw from
The CJP work will soon form a new Steering Committee that will guide the process to completion. The work will also be informed by a number of work groups, as well as additional community convenings.
Crucially, because the CJP will have a broad impact across our region, all community members will be invited to comment on and help to shape the CJP. The Office of Sustainability will perform targeted outreach to ensure those who represent diverse identities and have various outlooks can provide input, particularly people with lived experience of racism, houselessness, and other factors that may place a person at higher risk of experiencing the harms of climate change.
Check out an informational briefing for the Climate Justice Plan delivered on September 5, 2023, to the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners from Multnomah County Office of Sustainability, and Health Department staff.
Download the community-driven climate justice framework: