Disabled veterans may be entitled to a property tax exemption.

You must meet three requirements to qualify:

  1. Own and live in a Multnomah County home as your primary residence.
  2. You must be certified as 40 percent or more disabled by the Department of Veteran Affairs, US Armed Forces, or an independent licensed physician. (Veterans certified by an independent licensed physician must also meet an income requirement).
  3. You must have received an honorable discharge from active duty.

Required Documentation, with all SS#s blacked out:

  1. Proof of honorable discharge, AND
  2. Certification of disability

For faster processing time and verification of receipt, it is preferred that the application and required documents listed above be submitted via email to dart.special.programs@multco.us.
If you are unable to email, you may mail to:
Multnomah County DART SPG
PO Box 2716
Portland, OR 97208-2716
(Mailing may result in greater overall processing time – please verify two weeks after mailing that we have received what was sent)

Information: Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Explained

Application: Disabled Veteran Exemption Claim

Statute: ORS 307.250 – 307.283

Last reviewed October 10, 2024