Domestic and Sexual Violence - Further Learning Resources

Domestic and Sexual Violence further learning resources for Assertive Engagement

The following resources have been recommended or shared by the AE community of providers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Multnomah County.

If you are looking for help for yourself or a friend, you can find information about domestic and sexual violence services here.

  • myPlan App launches: "Designed through a series of multi-year research studies conducted by Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, myPlan is the first interactive safety decision aid. The tool is accessible via a mobile app and website, and designed to assist intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors in identifying and navigating their own safe path forward."
  • Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment and Assault Allegations: 5 Critical Points - From the National Sexual Violence Resource Center "Instead of asking why victims didn't speak up sooner we need to ask how we can change the culture to be more supportive of survivors. It takes an incredible amount of courage for a victim to come forward. High-profile cases make it even more difficult, because a victim may worry about how the media scrutiny will impact their lives/families, or some fear that they will not be believed. This happens despite the fact that the false reporting of rape is uncommon."
  • Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence hosted the webinar "Philosophies of Trans Inclusion" now available recorded online: "This webinar will provide an opportunity for attendees and knowledgeable panelists to explore philosophies of transgender inclusion in anti-violence work. We will focus not on the HOW, but the WHY -- not how we make services more accessible to trans survivors, but how and why our movements can and should commit to transgender justice and ending/addressing violence against trans people."
  • Start By Believing 2018: "As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Youth and Family Services Division's Domestic & Sexual Violence Coordination Office (DSVCO) teamed up with allies from other County Departments and agencies to promote Start by Believing, a global campaign from End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) aimed at transforming the way we respond to sexual assault. You can take your own pledge on their website."
  • Videos for Self-Represented Survivors are Online: Four domestic violence self-help videos available in English and Spanish created by Legal Aid Services of Oregon. Many other resources regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and elder abuse, all of which can be found on their website under the "Advocate Toolkit." Though geared toward advocates and survivors, all of this information may be helpful for anyone who works with survivors of domestic violence, and/or sexual assault who are navigating the criminal and civil justice systems.
  • The Life Story: "Every person is the true expert of their own life. That's why the life story is guided by the voices and experiences of individuals who have survived the violence of sexual exploitation. Listen to their insights about moments of change at"
Last reviewed February 6, 2024