Community Partners can now register for the Assertive Engagement Blended Learning Series!
Video Module/Blended Learning Series
Due to demand for a more flexible alternative to our 4-day Virtual Assertive Engagement training, we have developed a Blended Learning Series featuring six self-paced video modules containing videos, reflection activities, and short quizzes. Once all six videos have been successfully completed, the trainee can enroll in a live Skills Practice and Demonstration Session where they can practice skills with other community providers. These sessions are offered 4 times a month and are 4 hours in length, and active participation is required. Upon successful completion of the Skills Practice and Demonstration Session, the trainee will receive their AE certification!
To Register:
Please complete this registration form to receive an email from Workday Learning Extended to begin the Video Module Series.
To keep updated on all things AE please consider subscribing to the Assertive Engagement Newsletter.
Who are Assertive Engagement trainings for?
The Assertive Engagement Initiative is open to anyone in the community. However, because of the high demand for the AE 101 training, we are currently focused on agencies funded through the Department of County Human Service's Youth and Family Services Division, including:
- Anti-poverty and housing initiatives, such as the Multnomah Stability Initiative (MSI), SUN Service System (including SUN Community Schools, SUN Youth Advocacy, and SUN Parent Child Development Services), the Domestic and Sexual Violence Coordination Office, and the Preschool & Early Learning Division.
We also prioritize training for agencies contracted with the Joint Office of Homeless Services, including
- Homeless Youth Continuum, Homeless Family System of Care, and the Domestic Violence Programs, and the Adult System.
Contact us if your organization or agency is outside of this scope and we can talk about out how to work together.
How much does it cost to attend training?
AE trainings through Multnomah County are currently provided free of charge to community partners.
Occasionally, we present at conferences or as guests in training series, and our partners may charge a fee to offset their own costs.
What types of trainings are offered?
AE trainings are highly interactive and strive to build connections among participants as well as offering tools to use in the workplace. Currently we are only offering the Blended Learning Training and COOP sessions through 2024. Subscribe to the AE Newsletter for updates on when other trainings will be offered.
AE Blended Learning Series is a more flexible way to take the AE 101 training and receive Assertive Engagement certification. Register Here.
AE Community of Ongoing Practice (COOP) meets most months of the year to focus and deepen their understanding around core concepts embedded in the AE framework. Consider joining the AE Community of Ongoing Practice email list to get meeting reminders and updates for the COOP. If you have any trouble joining, contact AEinfo@multco.us and we'll get you added!
AE 101 is a foundational 4-day training for those who work with clients, participants, youth, and/or families. AE 101 is also useful for those who work in management, office, or administrative roles (such as front desk staff or staff supervisors.) On hold for now.
- AE for Supervisors and Managers is a 1-day training focused on using AE skills in supervision with staff. AE 101 training is a recommended prerequisite for this training. Coming 2025!
- AE Refresher is a 1-day training for those with previous training on AE to revisit skills and connect with one another. Additional refreshers can be scheduled upon request. Coming 2025!
Information about future training opportunities will be announced via the Assertive Engagement Newsletter, emailed the fourth Monday of the month. Subscribe now!
For questions or comments contact aeinfo@multco.us